Location : Bario, Miri Division, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Started in 2005, the Bario Food Festival (Pesta Nukenen) is a three-day event held every year which showcases the food and cultural heritage of the Kelabit highlands and has become an annual highlight in the highland’s festive calendar. Visitors to the festival can experience exotic Kelabit food and authentic cultural displays. Rice and pineapple are the two notable agriculture products from Bario. Other notable items include beads and Bario salt. Beside the culinary treats, visitors are also treated to a wide variety of cultural shows, from traditional dances to handicraft demonstrations, to traditional games. (Wiki) 

Since it was our first Nukenen Festival visit we did not know what to expect. We went through each and every booth to have a quick visual inspection of what there was to offer. Bario Food Cultural Festival, crafts, culinary, authentic, traditional, backpackers, destination, dayak kelabit, native, Orang Ulu, Kelabit Highlands, travel, 马来西亚内陆高原, 砂拉越达雅传统文化, 巴里奥美食旅游景点, Bario Food Cultural Festival, crafts, exotic culinary, authentic, indigenous, dayak, native, tribe, orang ulu, Malaysia, travel, Borneo, 砂拉越美食旅游景点, 巴里奥乌鲁人部落, 婆罗洲加拉毕族传统文化, Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Cultural Festival, traditional, backpackers, destination, exploration, dayak, Orang Asal, tribe, Kelabit people, Tourism, travel guide, 穿越婆罗洲马来西亚, 砂拉越内陆高原, 巴里奥原住民部落, Pesta Nukenen, traditional, exploration, Interior village, dayak, Orang Ulu, tribe, Kelabit Highlands, Malaysia, Tourism, travel guide, Borneo, 探索婆罗洲砂拉越, 马来西亚原住民文化, 达雅加拉毕族部落Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Culture Festival, indigenous, traditional, backpackers, destination, dayak, native, tribal, tribe, tourist attraction, travel guide, Borneo, 砂拉越达雅手工艺品, 巴里奥加拉毕族文化 Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Cultural Festival, crafts, authentic, indigenous, traditional, destination, native, Orang Ulu, tribal, Kelabit people, Malaysia, Sarawak, Tourism, Borneo,Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Cultural Festival, crafts, traditional, backpackers, native, Orang Asal, Kelabit Highlands, Malaysia, Tourism, travel guide, Borneo, 婆罗洲原住民达雅, 加拉毕族手工艺品, 砂拉越乌鲁人文化, Although the food displayed were labelled the language used was only in Kelabit which was of no help to us.Pesta Nukenen, exotic culinary, authentic, traditional, dayak, native, Orang Ulu, tribal, Kelabit Highlands, Malaysia, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 穿越婆罗洲内陆高原, 马来西亚砂拉越巴里奥, 加拉毕族传统达雅美食 Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Cultural Festival, exotic culinary, authentic, traditional, backpackers, native, Orang Ulu, tribal, Dayak Kelabit, Malaysia, Sarawak, Tourist attraction, travel guide, Borneo culture, crafts, exotic culinary, authentic, traditional, backpackers, destination, dayak kelabit, native, tribe, tourist attraction, Borneo, 穿越婆罗洲原住民, 砂拉越巴里奥达雅, 加拉毕族传统美食 Pesta Nukenen, culture, culinary, authentic, traditional, dayak, native, Orang Ulu, Malaysia, Tourist attraction, travel guide, Borneo, 婆罗洲砂拉越达雅, 巴里奥乌鲁人美食, 原住民传统文化, Pesta Nukenen, Culture Festival, crafts, exotic food, authentic, traditional, destination, Interior village, native, Orang Ulu, Malaysia, tourist attraction, 婆罗洲原住民文化, 砂拉越巴里奥达雅, 加拉毕族传统美食

bubur cacing, Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Culture Festival, culinary, traditional, exploration, dayak, Orang Ulu, tribal, Kelabit people, Malaysia, Borneo, 跨境婆罗洲砂拉越, 巴里奥原住民达雅, 加拉毕族传统美食
Wriggly worms porridge

Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Cultural Festival, crafts, exotic culinary, indigenous, traditional, destination, Interior village, dayak, native, tribe, Kelabit people, Sarawak, Tourism, travel guide, Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Cultural Festival, authentic, indigenous, traditional, backpackers, destination, native, Orang Ulu, tribal, tourist attraction, Borneo, 探索婆罗洲原住民部落, 马来西亚砂拉越巴里奥, 加拉毕达雅族传统美食, Pesta Nukenen, culture, exotic culinary, authentic, exploration, dayak, Ethnic, native, tribal, Kelabit Highlands, Malaysia, Tourism, travel guide, 马来西亚砂拉越, 巴里奥加拉毕传统美食

Being vegetarians, we stayed away from whatever looked like meat. So we could only try the cakes and fried ‘bunga kantan’ which were nice. Sorry for not being able to review the food presented here. Most of our meals were catered by Ms Priscilla at her Malindo Café which we found very comfortable watching the activities while sipping coffee.   Next…..Kelabit Cultural Dances & sports

Pesta Nukenen, backpackers, destination, exploration, Interior village, dayak, native, Orang Ulu, tribe, Kelabit Highlands, Tourism, Borneo, 探索婆罗洲高原, 马来西亚砂拉越, 巴里奥加拉毕族
Our favourite cafe where vegetarian food could be catered for. Ms Priscila the Boss of Malindo Cafe who took care of most of our meals there.
Pesta Nukenen, exotic culinary, authentic, indigenous, Interior village, native, tribal, Highlands, Malaysia, Sarawak, travel guide, Borneo, 马来西亚乌鲁人部落, 砂拉越达雅加拉毕族, 巴里奥原住民文化,
Guest of honour Datuk Talib Zulpilip and his other half

Bario Food Cultural Festival, exotic culinary, indigenous, traditional, dayak, Ethnic, native, Orang Ulu, tribal, Malaysia, Tourism, travel, 婆罗洲加拉毕族文化, 砂拉越巴里奥达雅, 原住民乌鲁人部落,

Pesta Nukenen, exotic culinary, traditional, destination, Interior village, dayak, Orang Ulu, tribal, Kelabit people, Malaysia, Tourism, travel guide, 马来西亚砂拉越原住民, 巴里奥加拉毕族文化, 乌鲁人土著部落, Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Cultural Festival, authentic, indigenous, dayak, Ethnic, native, Orang Ulu, tribal, Kelabit people, Malaysia, Sarawak, Tourist attraction, travel guide, Borneo, Pesta Nukenen, culture, culinary, indigenous, destination, dayak, orang Ulu, Kelabit people, Malaysia, Tourism, travel guide, Borneo, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 砂拉越巴里奥美食, 加拉毕族传统文化, Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Culture Festival, crafts, exotic culinary, indigenous, backpackers, destination, Interior village, native, Orang Ulu, tribe, Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak, Tourism, Borneo, Pesta Nukenen, traditional, Interior village, backpacker, destination, native, Orang Ulu, tribal, Kelabit Highlands, Malaysia, Tourist attraction, Cross Border, 马来西亚旅游景点, 砂拉越巴里奥原住民, 加拉毕族传统文化,

Bario Food Cultural Festival, crafts, exploration, Interior village, dayak, Ethnic, native, Orang Asal, Orang Ulu, tribe, Kelabit people, Trans Borneo, 马来西亚砂拉越巴里奥 Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Cultural Festival, authentic, traditional, destination, dayak, ethnic, Orang Ulu, tribe, tourist attraction, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 婆罗洲原住民达雅, 砂拉越巴里奥部落, 加拉毕族手工艺品Pesta Nukenen, culture, traditional, exploration, Interior village, native, dayak, Orang Asal, tribe, Malaysia, tourism, travel, 婆罗洲砂拉越达雅, 原住民加拉毕族, 乌鲁人土著美食

Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Cultural Festival, traditional, backpackers, exploration, dayak, Ethnic, native, Orang Ulu, Kelabit people, Highlands, Borneo, 马来西亚内陆高原, 巴里奥加拉毕族文化, 砂拉越乌鲁人部落,
Pack cooked rice with leaves competition.
Pesta Nukenen, Bario Food Culture Festival, backpackers, destination, exploration, Ethnic, native, Orang Asal, tribe, Kelabit Highlands, travel guide, Borneo, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 马来西亚砂拉越, 巴里奥达雅加拉毕族
Visitors learning how to pack cooked rice with leaves.
Bario Food Cultural Festival, culinary, Kelabit porridge, authentic, traditional, dayak, Ethnic, native, Orang Asal, tribe, Kelabit highlands, Malaysia, Tourism,
Free food for the night with Kelabit porridge

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