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All About Borneo West Kalimantan Indonesia Travel, Adventure Nature Wildlife Outdoor Exploration, Indigenous Dayak Tribe, Traditional Culture Ritual Tribal Events, Authentic Native Village Tourism,Transborder Crossborder Tourist Attractions. 深入婆罗洲西加里曼丹印尼旅游

Nyobeng Sebujit, thanksgiving, backpackers, ritual, ceremony, Kalimantan Barat, Indigenous, Dayak Bidayuh, tribal, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Border, 西加里曼丹旅游景点, 印尼原住民传统文化, 婆罗洲比达友部落

Nyobeng Sebujit 2018-Part2 Grand Opening

Location : Dusun Sebujit, Desa Hli Buei, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/qWf1pj3aBNQ Looking back, the biggest issue we faced for this event was accommodation. With more sixty guests from our group itself, Pak...
Speedboat ride, adventure, nature, destination, picnic, Borneo, West Kalimantan, Kapuas Hulu, Putussibau Selatan, Tourism, tourist attraction, crossborder, 婆罗洲卡普阿斯河, 印尼西加里曼丹

Long Opea, The Cleanest River In Kapuas Hulu

Location : Kecamatan Putussibau Selatan, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. The next morning we set out upriver with the intention to visit Nanga Bungan a Dayak Punan village sandwiched by the Kapuas and Hovongan...
monolith, Gunung Kelam, Kelam Hill, batu raksasa, adventure, nature, conservation, destination, Desa Merpak, wisata alam, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 婆罗洲游踪, 印尼西加里曼丹, 新党独石柱景点

Sintang Bukit Kelam Nature Park, Monolith West Kalimantan Indonesia

Location : Desa Merpak, Kecamatan Kelam Permai, Kabupaten Sintang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Standing at slightly taller than 1000m, this giant monolith and icon of Sintang cannot go unnoticed and unvisited. It is the largest rock...
Gawai Padi, thanksgiving Festival, authentic, destination, Borneo, West Kalimantan, Kampung Kadek, tribal, event, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, village, 婆罗洲, 原著民丰收节日

Kampung Kadek, Desa Tangguh Transborneo Gawai Harvest Festival

// Location : Dusun Betung, Desa Tangguh, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. The second day of the event was the official opening early in the morning by the Bupati of Bengkayang Pak Gidot....
Waterfall, adventure, air terjun, Nature, bengkayang, Borneo, dayak, Dusun Melayang, hiking, indonesia, Kalimantan Barat, Seluas, Sahan, trekking, West Kalimantan

Riam (Waterfall) Berawat’n (Berawant) Bengkayang West Kalimantan

Location : Dusun Melayang, Desa Sahan, Kecamatan Seluas, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. This is probably the most expensive and time consuming waterfall to recce for us so far. With a vertical drop of 98 meter...
Tahun Baru Imlek, adventure, traditional, village, Indonesia, Gaya Baru, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, Parit Baru, Cross Border, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 印尼西加里曼丹, 三发邦戛华侨

CNY 2019 @ West Borneo: Walk about in Selakau Sambas

Location : Dusun Gaya Baru, Desa Parit Baru, Kecamatan Selakau, Kabupaten Sambas, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/RtTSQLR3C70 Two nights in Jawai and it was time to leave on our own. Before we took the ferry we thought we...
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