Location : Pantai Amal, Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia.

The TidungTidong are a native group originating from northeastern part of Borneo and surrounding small islands. They live on both sides of the border of Malaysia and Indonesia. 
The Iraw Tengkayu Festival is a traditional thanksgiving ceremony held by the Tidung people in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan Province. Iraw means festival, and Tengkayu means “a small island in the middle of the sea,” which is Tarakan Island.  This festival is usually held every 2 years and coincides with the anniversary of Tarakan City.
The core of the Iraw Tengkayu Festival is the Padaw Tuju Dulung boat ritual. The boat is decorated with the distinctive colours of the Tidung tribe, which are yellow, green, and red. The boat filled with offerings would be carried to the sea and allowed to drift away.

Suku Dayak Tidung, upacara adat, authentic, traditional, destination, culture, native, tribal, Kalimantan Utara, Wisata Budaya, Tourism, Trans Borneo, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根原住民文化
Padaw Tuju Dulung Boat

Padaw Tuju Dulung boat, Festival Iraw Tengkayu, Suku Dayak Tidung, upacara adat, indigenous, traditional, ritual, native, tribal, Indonesia, Kalimantan Utara, Pantai Amal, Pariwisata, tourist attraction, BorneoWe were quite ignorant of this event until the very last day when we were driven to Amal Beach, the venue of this biennial festival.

Festival Iraw Tengkayu, Suku Dayak Tidung, backpackers, destination, event, exploration, Amal Beach, Pariwisata, Kaltara, tourist attraction, Trans Border, Borneo, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根旅游景点
Pantai (Beach) Amal

Festival Iraw Tengkayu, backpackers, destination, exploration, event, Pantai Amal, Obyek wisata, Tourist attraction, Kaltara, travel guide, Cross Border, Borneo, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根旅游景点 Festival Iraw Tengkayu, backpackers, event, exploration, destination, North Kalimantan, Kaltara, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, Cross Border, Borneo, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根旅游景点 It was the first time that we heard of the existence of this Iraw despite the fact that we had heard of quite a number of Irau festivals in East and North Kalimantan. Anyway, it was a very pleasant surprise. As we were on the way there, the street parade in the city centre had just started. Too bad that we had to give that a miss. So on hind sight, the whole Fam trip was tied in with the Iraw Tengkayu and also tied in with the Tarakan City Day celebration. Multiple package it was which was nice.Suku Dayak Tidung, authentic, traditional, culture, event, Indonesia, Kalimantan Utara, Tarakan, Pariwisata, Tourist attraction, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 穿越婆罗洲土著部落, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根岛旅游景点First we headed to the restaurant Ibu Bahagia near the venue for lunch. The restaurant was famous for its ‘Kapah” or clam but later I found out that it was the dipping sauce that made the ‘kapah’ special and famous. But if you are not a fan of spicy sauce then the clam is pretty ordinary.

Rumah Bahagia, Festival Iraw Tengkayu, backpackers, destination, seafood, exploration, Pantai Amal, Amal Beach, Pariwisata, tourist attraction, travel guide, Borneo, 跨境婆罗洲游踪, 印尼北加里曼丹
Clams and the special dipping sauces or sambel

After lunch was done with, the delegates proceeded to the event venue. There must have been a few hundred dancers in total for the dance performance, all dressed colourfully. The accompanying music was very impressive which was a lot livelier than the usual.

authentic, indigenous, culture, native, tribe, Indonesia, Kalimantan Utara, Tarakan, Pariwisata, tourist attraction, travel guide, Borneo, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根旅游景点, 原住民土著传统文化 Suku Dayak Tidung, upacara adat, authentic, indigenous, culture, event, native, tribe, Kalimantan Utara, Pariwisata, travel guide, Borneo, 婆罗洲北加里曼丹, 打拉根岛旅游景点, 印尼原住民传统文化 Padaw Tuju Dulung boat, Festival Iraw Tengkayu, Suku Dayak Tidung, traditional, Ethnic, native, Indonesia, Kalimantan Utara, Tarakan, Pariwisata, tourist attraction, travel guide, 婆罗洲原住民游踪, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根达雅传统文化 Festival Iraw Tengkayu, Suku Dayak Tidung, authentic, traditional, indigenous, culture, event, native, tribal, Indonesia, North Kalimantan, wisata budaya, Tourism, travel guide, Borneo,Festival Iraw Tengkayu, Suku Dayak Tidung, upacara adat, traditional, backpackers, Ethnic, native, Indonesia, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, Borneo, 穿越婆罗洲印尼游踪, 北加里曼丹打拉根, 原住民达雅传统文化Suku Dayak Tidung, authentic, indigenous, culture, Ethnic, native, tribal, Kalimantan Utara, Pariwisata, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 婆罗洲达雅传统文化, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根旅游景点 Suku Dayak Tidung, traditional, indigenous, destination, exploration, Ethnic, tribe, Indonesia, Kalimantan Utara, wisata budaya, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 探索婆罗洲旅游景点, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根达雅传统文化 Later the Governor of Kaltara gave his speech in which he declared the Iraw Tengkayu festival would be changed to annually rather than biennially as had been practiced prior to 2019, much to the approval of the crowd. Big long applause!upacara adat, Amal Beach, traditional, indigenous, native, tribe, event, Indonesia, North Kalimantan, Obyek wisata, Tourism, Borneo, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根岛旅游景点 upacara adat, Kaltara, authentic, traditional, culture, event, native, Indonesia, Kalimantan Utara, Pantai Amal, Pariwisata, Tourism, Borneo, 打拉根土著部落, 印尼原住民传统文化 Festival Iraw Tengkayu, upacara adat, indigenous, destination, event, Ethnic, tribal, Kalimantan Utara, Pariwisata, Tourism, Tarakan, Pantai Amal, 婆罗洲达雅传统文化, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根土著部落 Festival Iraw Tengkayu, indigenous, destination, event, Ethnic, native, tribe, Indonesia, Pariwisata, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 探索婆罗洲印尼, 北加里曼丹原住民, 打拉根达雅文化 authentic, traditional, culture, backpackers, event, exploration, North Kalimantan, Amal Beach, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, Cross Border, Borneo, 穿越婆罗洲印尼游踪, 北加里曼丹打拉根岛 Festival Iraw Tengkayu, Suku Dayak Tidung, indigenous, culture, event, Ethnic, native, tribe, Indonesia, Kalimantan Utara, Tarakan, Pariwisata, Tourism, travel guide, Borneo,

Festival Iraw Tengkayu, culture, traditional, destination, event, Ethnic, native, tribal, Kalimantan Utara, Pariwisata, Tourism, trans borneo, 探索婆罗洲印尼游踪, 北加里曼丹打拉根岛
Could not let slip this opportunity with a pretty Tidung lass

After his Excellency declared the festival opened, the specially designed wooden boat for the occasion, with offerings inside, was slowly pushed to the sea.

Suku Dayak Tidung, upacara adat, authentic, traditional, ritual, native, tribal, Indonesia, North Kalimantan, Tarakan, Tourism, Trans Borneo, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根原住民文化
The Ketua Adat & the Padaw Tuju Dulung Boat
Festival Iraw Tengkayu, upacara adat, authentic, traditional, ritual, native, tribal, Indonesia, Kalimantan Utara, Pariwisata, Tourism, travel guide, Borneo, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根岛土著文化
Special offerings inside the boat

Festival Iraw Tengkayu, Suku Dayak Tidung, authentic, traditional, Ethnic, native, culture, Indonesia, Pariwisata, tourist attraction, travel guide, Borneo, 婆罗洲原住民游踪, 印尼北加里曼丹, 打拉根达雅传统文化

Padaw Tuju Dulung boat, Suku Dayak Tidung, upacara adat, traditional, indigenous, ritual, native, tribal, Indonesia, Wisata budaya, travel guide, Borneo, 穿越婆罗洲游踪, 北加里曼丹旅游景点, 打拉根达雅传统文化 Padaw Tuju Dulung boat, Suku Dayak Tidung, upacara adat, culture, native, Indonesia, Kalimantan Utara, Tarakan, Pariwisata, tourist attraction, travel guide, Borneo, 婆罗洲印尼游踪, 北加里曼丹打拉根, 原住民达雅传统文化 Padaw Tuju Dulung boat, Festival Iraw Tengkayu, Suku Dayak Tidung, upacara adat, authentic, traditional, culture, native, tribal, Indonesia, North Kalimantan, Tarakan, Obyek wisata, Tourism, Trans Borneo Padaw Tuju Dulung boat, Festival Iraw Tengkayu, upacara adat, event, Ethnic, native, tribal, Tarakan, North Kalimantan, wisata budaya, tourist attraction, Trans Borneo, 穿越婆罗洲印尼, 北加里曼丹旅游景点, 打拉根原住民传统文化Military planes flying at very low altitude, flew passed the crowd several times to give the occasion some umphs. Then out of the blue, there must have been about 15 units of drone zooming up into the air, including mine. For the first time in my drone flying life, I was genuinely worried about an inevitable air disaster. But thank God, all flyers were that good not to run into each other. The event somewhat reminded me of the Melanau’s Kaul festival in Mukah, Sarawak.
Next……Bits and pieces of Tarakan (last episode)

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