Location : Kota Malinau, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia.

Our visit to Malinau was rather impromptu. We never actually planned for it when we set out for our trip. It was only after meeting a Kayan lady at Miau Baru who informed us of this 2 week long biennial carnival here called IRAU.

Irau is a biennial event held since since 1998 on 26 October to coincide with the anniversary of Malinau Regency. The focus of this activity is to promote Borneo culture and  products, especially from Malinau Regency.

We did planned for Tanjung Selor’s BIRAU event though and would have proceeded direct to Tarakan after. The change of plan was most fruitful despite the long detour. I would say Malinau would be the equivalent of Baram in Sarawak which has the different tribes classified under ‘Orang Ulu’. But of course Malinau has a lot more different tribes with names unheard of in Sarawak.

adventure, authentic, culture, Ethnic, event, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, budaya, orang asli, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
One of the several entrances to the main venue
ethnic, Irau Festival, HUT, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, budaya, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, culture, tribal, tribe, orang asal,
Kids presentation for the media

authentic, Borneo, culture, Kenyah, Ethnic, event, Festival, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, native, orang asal, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,

adventure, authentic, Borneo, Indonesia, culture, event, North Kalimantan, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asli, pesta adat, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
Kenyah presentation
adventure, authentic, Borneo, Ethnic, Irau Festival, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, orang asal, pesta adat, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, tribal, tribe, animal trap, jungle,
Dayak Tahol boy demonstrating about 10 types of jungle traps

adventure, authentic, Borneo, Ethnic, Irau Festival, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, orang asli, pesta adat, Tourism, tourist attraction, tribal, tribe, perangkap haiwan, jungle, orang asal, authentic, Indonesia, Kenyah, Ethnic, event, North Kalimantan Utara, Lundayeh, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, pesta adat, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,

authentic, Indonesia, Borneo, culture, Ethnic, event, Festival, HUT, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
Lots of varieties of food from all over Indonesia avaiable
adventure, Borneo, event, Irau Festival, HUT, indigenous, Obyek wisata, budaya, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide
Our dinner

There was so much to see and experience that we had to extend another night to our 2 night stay here, at the expense of Nunukan because we had a dateline to arrive at Tawau for our flight to Kota Kinabalu which we had already booked. Although we would very much like to stay a night in Nunukan, the sacrifice was well worth it.

With an event this size, looking for a hotel near to the venue was quite a headache but eventually found one which had only one room to offer and it was good for one night only. We had to change to a cheaper but comfortable homestay in the town center which was walking distance to the jetty where we would take the speed boat when we left for Tarakan. To fully appreciate this event we would need 2 weeks here as that was the duration of the celebration.

Indonesia, authentic, Borneo culture, Ethnic, HUT, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
2 week program for the event

Each day was filled with different activities or presentations from the different tribes of Malinau. We will surely come back again for this event. Our future option would be to fly to Kota Kinabalu, transiting Tawau and proceed to Tarakan in one day and then take the local Kalstar flight to Malinau.
Petrol supply was a big issue here with so many vehicles coming into Malinau for the celebration. You would be shocked how long the queue was at the petrol station, sometimes over night. Luckily, there was the blackmarket depot quite a distance away selling at cut throat price. It was take it or walk, literally.

adventure, authentic, culture, Irau Festival, event, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, tribal, tribe, ethnic, budaya,
Blackmarket petrol. We paid IDR13,000/liter

Taxi if available was expensive. I would suggest bike rental would be the best choice to move around and from hotel to event venue. There were other sports event going at the town stadium besides the main venue.

Stadium, adventure, Borneo, culture, Ethnic, event, Irau Festival, HUT, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, budaya, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide,

Stadion, motif, Borneo, culture, Ethnic, event, Irau Festival, HUT, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, budaya, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide,

adventure, authentic, culture, event, HUT, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, native, Obyek wisata, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, ethnic,
Chess competition
adventure, authentic, culture, Festival, HUT, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, native, Obyek wisata, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, ethnic,
Full contact Taekwondo tournament
adventure, Borneo, Stadion, Ethnic, event, Irau Festival, HUT, indigenous, stadium, Obyek wisata, budaya, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide,
Aquatic stadium

Irau exhibition booths

authentic, culture, Ethnic, event, Irau Festival, HUT, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, Borneo, North Kalimantan Utara, orang asli, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, adventure, authentic, Indonesia, culture, Ethnic, Irau Festival, Kalimantan Utara, Kota Malinau, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, Authentic, Borneo, culture, Kenyah, Ethnic, Festival, HUT, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, pesta adat, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,

adventure, authentic, Borneo, culture, Irau Festival, indigenous, Kota Malinau, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, perangkap haiwan, tribal,
Animal traps
Ethnic, Festival, HUT, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lundayeh, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, orang asli, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, tidung, tribal, tribe,
Blow darts and poison containers
authentic, Indonesia, culture, Ethnic, Irau Festival, indigenous, Kalimantan Utara, native, Obyek wisata, orang asal, pesta adat, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
Musical instruments
authentic, Borneo, culture, Ethnic, event, Festival, HUT, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
Antique jars
authentic, Borneo, ethnic, Irau Festival, indigenous, Kota Malinau, Obyek wisata, orang asal, orang asli, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tidung, Tourism, obat, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
Native traditional medicine
adventure, authentic, Indonesia, Irau Festival, indigenous, Kota Malinau, native, Obyek wisata, orang asal, orang asli, Suku Dayak, tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
Old Borneo map

adventure, authentic, Borneo, culture, event, Irau Festival, indigenous, Kalimantan Utara, native, budaya, orang asal, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, tribal, tribe, adventure, authentic, Borneo, culture, Ethnic, Irau Festival, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, budaya, orang asal, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tidung, travel guide, tribal, tribe, adventure, authentic, Borneo event, Indonesia, culture, Ethnic, Festival, indigenous, Obyek wisata, budaya, orang asal, pesta adat, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, adventure, culture, Kenyah, Ethnic, Irau Festival, North Kalimantan Utara, native, Obyek wisata, budaya, orang asli, pesta adat, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, adventure, Kayan Mentarang, culture, Ethnic, HUT, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, native, Obyek wisata alam, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribe, authentic, culture, Ethnic, event, Festival, HUT, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, orang asal, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, authentic, Borneo, Ethnic, event, Festival, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, native, budaya, orang asal, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,

authentic, culture event, Ethnic, Festival, HUT, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, budaya, orang asal, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
Met this school teacher from somewhere near Ulu Kapit border

Kota Malinau

culture, Ethnic, event, Irau Festival, HUT, indigenous, Utara, Kota Malinau, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, orang asli, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional,
This was the road condition driving to Malinau.

adventure, ethnic, Irau Festival, HUT, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, budaya, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,

adventure, Borneo, Malay, muslim, authentic, culture, Irau Festival, Kalimantan Utara, native, Obyek wisata, pesta adat, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, ethnic, religion,
Masjid An Nur, interesting pagoda like structure

adventure, Malay, muslim, authentic, culture, Irau Festival, native, Obyek wisata, pesta adat, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, ethnic, religion, traiditonal adventure, authentic, Borneo, Irau Festival, indigenous, native, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Tidung, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, kristen, christian

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