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All About Borneo West Kalimantan Indonesia Travel, Adventure Nature Wildlife Outdoor Exploration, Indigenous Dayak Tribe, Traditional Culture Ritual Tribal Events, Authentic Native Village Tourism,Transborder Crossborder Tourist Attractions. 深入婆罗洲西加里曼丹印尼旅游

Nyobeng Sebujit, thanksgiving, backpackers, ritual, ceremony, Kalimantan Barat, Indigenous, Dayak Bidayuh, tribal, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Border, 西加里曼丹旅游景点, 印尼原住民传统文化, 婆罗洲比达友部落

Nyobeng Sebujit 2018-Part2 Grand Opening

Location : Dusun Sebujit, Desa Hli Buei, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/qWf1pj3aBNQ Looking back, the biggest issue we faced for this event was accommodation. With more sixty guests from our group itself, Pak...
Dusun Sebujit, Gawai padi, adventure, backpackers, event, Kalimantan Barat, Desa Hli Buei, Siding, Serikin, Dayak Bidayuh, Obyek wisata, Tourism,Trans Border, 跨境婆罗洲游踪, 印尼西加里曼丹部落

Nyobeng Sebujit 2018-Part1 The drive thru Serikin

Location : Dusun Sebujit, Desa Hli Buei, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/E2tHMJnR2DQ Nyobeng Sebujit is an annual traditional gawai harvest festival event. Sebujit is a Bidayuh tribe village in Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan,...
Longhouse, authentic, village, Kalimantan Barat, Embaloh Hulu, homestay, Suku Dayak Iban, tribe, tourist attraction, travel guide, trans border, Borneo, 婆罗洲传统长屋, 印尼西加里曼丹, 原住民伊班族村庄,

Sungai Utik Suku Dayak Iban Longhouse Kapuas Hulu Indonesia

Location : Dusun Sungai Utik, Desa Batu Lintang, Kecamatan Embaloh Hulu, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Our 10 day Gawai Hunting 2018 trip finally ended with a quickie visit to Sungai Utik longhouse. We...
Gawai parade, traditional, Kalimantan Barat, Putussibau, destination, Ethnic, indigenous, tribal, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, cross border, Borneo, 印尼甘布安斯乌鲁, 富都丰收节日, 达雅克土著文化

Gawai Dayak Kapuas Hulu 2018 – Street Parade

Location : Kota Putussibau, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. With this album we hereby end the story of our multiple Gawai celebration of 2018 in western Kalbar. The organsing committee of Kapuas Hulu must...
Kapuas Hulu, Paddy harvest festival, culture, backpackers, destination, tribal, indigenous, native, tourist attraction, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 印尼甘布安斯乌鲁, 富都丰收节日, 达雅克土著文化

Gawai Dayak Kapuas Hulu 2018 – More photos

Location : Kota Putussibau, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. It is only during the Gawai that all these beauties come out of their hidings in the interior of Borneo. So much more to learn...
Kapuas Hulu, Paddy harvest festival, culture, Kalimantan Barat, destination, native, tribe, Suku Dayak, tourist attraction, travel guide, Borneo, Trans Border, 婆罗洲西加里曼丹, 卡普阿斯胡卢原住民, 达雅部落丰收节日

Grand Opening Gawai Dayak Kapuas Hulu 2018

Location : Kota Putussibau, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. It was a cloudless sunny morning as we walked from the hotel to the venue of this first ever Gawai event in Putussibau for Kapuas...
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