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Nyobeng, Borneo, Culture, Traditional, Bidayuh, Gawai, Land Dayak, Kalimantan Barat, Sarawak

Nyobeng 2013 : Padang Pan-Sebujit

// Location : Kampung Padang Pan, Bau, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. This is the first 'nyobeng' between Sebujit guests (Indonesia) and host Padang Pan as the later replaces Gumbang.There were 2 informal welcoming ceremonies on the...
authentic kampung, bamboo bridge, Bengoh dam, Borneo, culture, indigenous dayak, Kuching, Mount Jogong, native, outdoor, Padawan, paddy harvest festival, ritual, thanksgiving, traditional, tribal, tribe,

Muk Ayun Gawai Opening, Bengoh Dam Padawan

// Location : Kampung Ayun, Padawan, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. We kick started our Gawai visit for the year 2015 with Kampung Muk Ayun about 90 min trek from the Bengoh Dam in Padawan. Started under heavy...
authentic, Dayak Bidayuh, Iban, Kenyah, Kadazan, culture, native, event, Jaringan Orang Asal, Perayaan, Sedunia, PHOAS, Borneo, Sabah, Kuching, traditional, tribe,

National-level International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, JOAS 2015

// Location : DBNA hall, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. The celebrations, organised by the Indigenous People’s Network of Malaysia (JOAS), will be hosted by several indigenous organisations led by Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (Sadia) and will...
naik dango, Gawai padi, paddy harvest festival, thanksgiving, authentic, indigenous, culture, tribal, tribe, Borneo, West Kalimantan, Kampung Budaya, Tourism, travel guide, 婆罗洲丰收节日

Gawai Naik Dango Landak Part 3-Harvest Thanksgiving Ceremony

// Location : Kecamatan Ngabang, Kabupaten Landak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Probably one of the most colourful event in Borneo. The men were all lined up in front of the Rumah Radakng dressed in their fearsome...
Perbatasan Aruk, Border crossing, Borneo, CIQs, event, Immigration checkpoint, West Kalimantan, PLBN, Sajingan Besar, Sambas, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Border, 跨境婆罗洲, 印尼西加里曼丹

Festival Cross Border Aruk Sajingan, Wonderful Indonesia

Location : Perbatasan Aruk, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Following the success of the previous Cross Border Festival in Kalimantan, this year there will be 8 attractive live music and art performances held in 4 Cross Border...
Padaw Tuju Dulung boat, Suku Dayak Tidung, upacara adat, authentic, traditional, ritual, native, tribal, Pantai Amal, Pariwisata, Tourism, Borneo, 婆罗洲北加里曼丹, 印尼打拉根岛, 原住民达雅传统文化

FAM trip Kaltara: Part 8- Festival Iraw Tengkayu Tarakan

Location : Pantai Amal, Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia. The Tidung, Tidong are a native group originating from northeastern part of Borneo and surrounding small islands. They live on both sides of the border of Malaysia and Indonesia.  The Iraw Tengkayu Festival is a traditional thanksgiving ceremony held...
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