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All About Borneo North Kalimantan Indonesia Travel, Adventure Nature Wildlife Outdoor Exploration, Indigenous Dayak Tribe, Traditional Culture Ritual Tribal Events, Authentic Native Village Tourism,Transborder Crossborder Tourist Attractions. 深入婆罗洲北加里曼丹印尼旅游

authentic, cultural dance, Ethnic, event, indigenous, Lun Bawang, native, Obyek wisata budaya, Orang Ulu, pesta adat, Suku Dayak, Lundayeh, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, tribal, tribe,

Malinau Part 3 – Dayak Lundayeh Cultural Dance Performance

// Location : Kota Malinau, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia. In Sarawak this tribe is currently known as Lun Bawang. They used to be called the Muruts by the early day European adventurers to Brunei and they...
adventure, Bekantan, hiking, jungle, North Kalimantan Utara, Kawasan Konservasi, Mangrove Forest Conservation Area, Monyet Belanda, obyek wisata alam, outdoors, Protected Animals, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, trekking, kota,

Malinau to Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Utara Indonesia Travel

// Location : Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia. We have finally arrived at the final part of our story and the last leg of our 12 day journey which saw us passing through 2 provinces...
Kepiting Soka, backpackers, destination, Exotic Food, seafood, exploration, Indonesia, Kaltara, Pariwisata, Tourism, travel guide, Borneo, 婆罗洲北加里曼丹, 印尼打拉根岛, 软壳螃蟹养殖场

FAM Trip Kaltara: Part 6-Soft Shell Crab Farm At Tarakan

Location : Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia. Soft-shell crab is a culinary term for crabs that have recently molted their old exoskeleton and are still soft. Soft-shells are removed from the water as soon as they molt to prevent any hardening of their shell. This means...
Hidayatur Rahman, masjid, mosque, backpackers, destination, Borneo, Pulau, Island, Kota, Obyek wisata, Tourist attraction, travel guide, transborder, 北加里曼丹, 旅游景点

Nunukan Town, North Kalimantan Indonesia Travel

// Location : Kota Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia. We left the seaweed village of Tanjung Harapan very satisfied with what we saw and continued our tour of the island to experience the religious diversity here....
Suku Dayak Belusu, Rumah adat Intok intimung, authentic, traditional, culture, village, destination, Borneo, Desa Sesua, native, tribal motif, Tourism, travel guide, Transborneo, 婆罗洲原著民, 旅游景点

Desa Sesua, Dayak Belusu Village Malinau Kalimantan Utara

// Location : Desa Sesua, Kecamatan Malinau Barat, Kabupaten Malinau, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia. This was one ‘desa’ (a desa is comprised of 4 villages) that got me very confused of the tribe they belonged to....
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