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authentic, culture, dayak, Ethnic, heritage, indigenous, Irau Aco Festival, Lawas, Limbang, malaysia, native, Padan Liu Burung, Ruran Ulung, Event, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal,

Irau Aco Lun Bawang Festival, Lawas Sarawak 2016

// LAWAS, SARAWAK, 8 JUNE 2016 – The annual Lun Bawang Festival or known as the Irau Aco Lun Bawang was held from 3 to 4 June in Lawas. Organized by the Lun Bawang...
adventure, authentic, Borneo, budaya, culture, indigenous, native, sculptures, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Sungai Kelay, Totem Pole, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,

Desa Wisata Kampung Merasa, Kelay, Berau, Kalimantan Timur

// Location : Kampung Merasa, Kecamatan Kelay, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. We left Miau Baru with a sense of satisfaction and heading towards Tanjung Redeb we had to pass by the sub-district or 'Kecamatan'...
adventure, authentic village, culture, customs hall, Ethnic, indigenous, Borneo, Kongbeng, Kalimantan Timur, Lamin Adat Lakeq Bilung Jau, longhouse, Miau Baru, Suku Dayak Kayan, Tourism, travel, traditional, tribal, tribe,

Suku Dayak Kayan Miau Baru Village, East Kutai Indonesia

// Location : Desa Miau Baru, Kecamatan Kongbeng, Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. The village of Miao Baru which was about an hour's drive away from Wahau was highly recommended by my friend Guntur...
adventure, authentic, wisata budaya, culture, east kalimantan, Ethnic, indigenous, Makmur Jaya, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, Wahau, Balai Adat Luung Baun, customs hall,

Derawan/Maratua Islands Day5-Wahau

// Location : Desa Makmur Jaya, Kecamatan Kongbeng, Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. It was 2pm when we set out from Kutai National Park and headed for Bengalon where our chaffeur Baha's house as...
Bau, Malaysia event, Bung Bratak Heritage Centre, history, Ethnic, hiking, indigenous, Kampung Tembawang Sauh, Kuching, native, outdoors, ritual, Sungkong, tourism, tradition, trekking, tribal, village,

Bung Bratak Heritage Centre Bidayuh Kuching Sarawak

// Location : Kampung Tembawang Sauh, Bau District, Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia. BUNG BRATAK (which means Bratak Hill) was once a large Bidayuh hill settlement of seven longhouses, located off the 6th mile Bau-Lundu Road,...
authentic, budaya, Ceremony, culture, Ethnic, event, indigenous, native, Parindu, perkawinan, pernikahan, Sanggau, Sumatra, tribal, tribe, upacara, wedding,

Batak Karo Wedding In Sanggau, West Kalimantan Indonesia

// Location : Kecamatan Parindu, Kabupaten Sanggau, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia The Batak tribe originates from the island of Sumatra. The chance to bump into a Batak in Borneo would be very slim and the chance...
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