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authentic, Bidayuh, Borneo, culture, Ethnic, event, Gawai Sawa, indigenous, Kuching, land dayak, longhouse, malaysia, native, outdoors, paddy harvest festival, ritual, Sarawak, thanksgiving, traditional, tribal, tribe, blowpipe, sumpit

Redeem Gawai, Kampung Apar Bau

// Location : Redeems Centre, Kampung Apar, Singai, Bau, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Seems to be the only government recognised Bidayuh Gawai celebration although it may not represent the whole spectrum of the Bidayuh community. We...
adventure, authentic village, culture, customs hall, Ethnic, indigenous, Borneo, Kongbeng, Kalimantan Timur, Lamin Adat Lakeq Bilung Jau, longhouse, Miau Baru, Suku Dayak Kayan, Tourism, travel, traditional, tribal, tribe,

Suku Dayak Kayan Miau Baru Village, East Kutai Indonesia

// Location : Desa Miau Baru, Kecamatan Kongbeng, Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. The village of Miao Baru which was about an hour's drive away from Wahau was highly recommended by my friend Guntur...
Paddy Harvest Festival, authentic, indigenous, backpackers, Indonesia, Desa Tangguh, Dusun Betung, Kampung Gumbang, dayak bidayuh, native, tribal, culture, Tourism, traditional, village, 原著民丰收节日

Transborder Kampung Gumbang – Kadek joint Gawai

// Location : Dusun Betung, Desa Tangguh, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. We had been waiting all year for this event and on the 7th June 2017 we finally gathered at Kampung Gumbang...
adventure, authentic, traditional, destination, Bengkayang, Desa Sahan, Dayak Bidayuh, Native, Baruk, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, cross border, 穿越婆罗洲游踪, 西加里曼丹比达友, 印尼孟加映部落

Gawai Nyobeng Rambai Desa Sahan Bengkayang Indonesia

Location : Dusun Rambai, Desa Sahan, Kecamatan Seluas, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/DvMuZcZa1n4 Our Gawai coverage for 2019 kick off at Rambai’s Gawai Nyobeng. So far we have already covered Kambih, Tamong, Padang Pan, Sebujit,...
Nyobeng, Borneo, Culture, Traditional, Bidayuh, Gawai, Land Dayak, Kalimantan Barat, Sarawak

Nyobeng 2013 : Padang Pan-Sebujit

// Location : Kampung Padang Pan, Bau, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. This is the first 'nyobeng' between Sebujit guests (Indonesia) and host Padang Pan as the later replaces Gumbang.There were 2 informal welcoming ceremonies on the...
authentic village, Dusun Sujah, Dayak Bakati, bengkayang, indigenous, Nyabank'ng, nyobeng, Obyek wisata, paddy harvest festival, native, Seluas, spiritual, traditional, trekking, tribal, tribe, west kalimantan Barat, Indonesia event,

Nyobeng Dusun Sujah Seluas Kalimantan Barat Indonesia

// Location : Dusun Sujah, Desa Sahan, Kecamatan Seluas, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. This was our first experience of ‘nyobeng’ or skull bathing ceremony with the Bakati or sub tribe of the Bidayuh Dayak....
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