Location : Dusun Rambai, Desa Sahan, Kecamatan Seluas, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia.

After witnessing so many Nyobengs through the years in many parts of West Kalimantan, we assumed that we knew everything about Bidayuh bamboo climbing. Although the inverted bamboo climbings in other villages were fun to watch, bamboo climbing here in Rambai was at a totally different level. If you have a weak heart, please don’t watch.

Bamboo climbing, Nyobeng Rambai, Gawai Harvest Festival, adventure, traditional, culture, Indonesia, West Kalimantan, Bengkayang, Desa Sahan, Native, tribal, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, Trans Borneo
Bouncing up to dizzying heights as the bamboo sways

Once the ladies have led the villagers into the ‘arena’ next to the tall plaiee tree, all the 30 plus men started clearing the undergrowth.

Gawai Harvest Festival, traditional, budaya, culture, village, Kalimantan Barat, Native, Ethnic, event, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, trans border, Borneo, 印尼西加里曼丹, 孟加映达雅丰收节
Clearing the undergrowth of the arena

Nyobeng Rambai, Gawai Harvest Festival, authentic, budaya, Indonesia, Kalimantan Barat, Bengkayang, Seluas, Dayak Bidayuh, tribe, native, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, cross border, Borneo

Bidai mats were rolled out over the cleared area and the basket of skulls, machetes, bottles of tuak, lemangs and leave wrapped rice were placed on top. Gawai Dayak, Nyobeng Rambai, Thanksgiving, traditional, budaya, Indonesia, Kalimantan Barat, Bengkayang, Seluas, Ethnic, tribal, Objek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, trans border, BorneoPaddy Harvest Festival, authentic, culture, Indonesia, West Kalimantan, Bengkayang, Seluas, Dayak Bidayuh, tribe, ritual, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 西加里曼丹达雅丰收节, 孟加映比达友族文化,ritual, Nyobeng Rambai, gawai dayak, Thanksgiving, destination, West Kalimantan, Bengkayang, Seluas, Native, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, trans border, 婆罗洲达雅洗髑髅, 印尼西加里曼丹, 原住民传统文化Suddenly, the place was buzzing with all kinds of traditional activities which were fun to watch. An altar was constructed with freshly harvested bamboo by one of the guy skillfully weaving the split pieces into a triangular shape before placing it on top of 3 vertical bamboo poles.Nyobeng Rambai, Thanksgiving, traditional, destination, culture, Kalimantan Barat, Desa Sahan, Native, tribal, event, Tourism, travel guide, Borneo, 穿越婆罗洲游踪, 西加里曼丹达雅文化, 孟加映原住民丰收节,

Nyobeng Rambai, Thanksgiving, authentic, budaya, Indonesia, West Kalimantan, Bengkayang, Seluas, Dayak Bidayuh, Native, tribal, Obyek wisata, Tourism, 婆羅洲西加里曼丹, 印尼达雅丰收节日, 原住民传统文化Ketua Adat Pawadi and a few villagers twisted and spliced the ijok hair into long pieces of rope for tying the young palm leaves decorating the ring around the plaiee tree. Nyobeng Rambai, Thanksgiving, authentic, backpackers, Indonesia, West Kalimantan, Seluas, Desa Sahan, tribe, tribal, wisata budaya, travel guide, trans border, 婆罗洲土著部落, 印尼西加里曼丹, 孟加映原住民丰收节,

Gawai Dayak, Thanksgiving, authentic, village, backpackers, Desa Sahan, Native, event, ritual, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 婆罗洲比达友族文化, 印尼西加里曼丹, 原住民丰收节日
Ring around the plaiee tree

Palm leaves were weaved into a beautiful basket to hold sacrificial food.

Gawai Dayak, Nyobeng Rambai, authentic, village, budaya, West Kalimantan, Desa Sahan, Native, Ethnic, tribal, Obyek wisata, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 婆羅洲土著部落, 西加里曼丹比达友文化, 孟加映原住民丰收节,
Weaving basket out of palm leaves

Yet others were preparing the cute little portions of food to be offered to the gods they call ‘kamang’. Meanwhile the ladies chanted their mantras and offered visitors rice wine. Nearby, beating of gongs and wooden drum kept everyone motivated with the spirit of Gawai.

Paddy Harvest Festival, authentic, village, budaya, Indonesia, Bengkayang, Dayak Bidayuh, Ethnic, event, indigenous, Obyek wisata, Tourism, Trans Borneo, 跨境婆罗洲游踪, 印尼原住民丰收节, 西加里曼丹达雅文化
The chanting ladies

Paddy Harvest Festival, adventure, authentic, traditional, village, budaya, Kalimantan Barat, Desa Sahan, Native, Ethnic, wisata budaya, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 探索婆罗洲游踪After almost 2 hours of hustle and bustle here in the jungle the 35m long bamboo was finally raised much to the excitement of the crowd. Gawai Harvest Festival, traditional, village, culture, Indonesia, Kalimantan Barat, Bengkayang, Seluas, Dayak Bidayuh, Native, tribe, Tourism, tourist attraction, cross border, 西加里曼丹孟加映, 达雅丰收节, Gawai Dayak, Nyobeng Rambai, adventure, traditional, village, destination, culture, Indonesia, Desa Sahan, Native, tribal, tourist attraction, cross border, Borneo, 印尼西加里曼丹, 原住民丰收节日,Villagers from all over Umbo, Nibong, Melayang, Panjak and as far as Sujah had come for the highlight of this Nyobeng.

Paddy Harvest Festival, adventure, traditional, village, destination, Indonesia, West Kalimantan, Desa Sahan, Native, event, Tourism, tourist attraction, cross border, Borneo, 印尼西加里曼丹, 婆罗洲达雅丰收节
The proud plaiee tree standing tall
Nyobeng Rambai, Paddy Harvest Festival, village, destination, authentic, culture, Bengkayang, Desa Sahan, Native, Ethnic, tribal, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, 印尼西加里曼丹, 婆罗洲达雅丰收节日
The large crowd building up
Gawai Harvest Festival, authentic, village, Indonesia, Bengkayang, Dayak Bidayuh, Native, Ethnic, event, wisata budaya, Tourism, travel guide, Borneo
Gecko perplexed by the going ons at his plaiee tree

Ritual before the climbing

Gawai Dayak, Paddy Harvest Festival, authentic, traditional, budaya, Bengkayang, Desa Sahan, Native, Ethnic, indigenous, objek wisata, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 婆羅洲达雅传统文化, 印尼西加里曼丹, 孟加映比达友丰收节
Only seniors have the double red bands around the wrists
Gawai Nyobeng, Paddy Harvest Festival, authentic, backpackers, wisata budaya, West Kalimantan, Bengkayang, Desa Sahan, Native, tribal, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 穿越婆罗洲游踪, 西加里曼丹达雅部落, 印尼孟加映原住民
Notice the difference of the marking on the bodies signifying the difference in status. Roni a senior has an oblique marking across his right cheek while his junior has it across his chest
Nyobeng Rambai, authentic, village, destination, Indonesia, Bengkayang, Desa Sahan, Native, tribal, ritual, Obyek wisata, Tourism, trans border, 婆罗洲西加里曼丹, 孟加映比达友族部落, 印尼土著传统文化
Chicken blood offered

Nyobeng Rambai, Thanksgiving, traditional, backpackers, budaya, Seluas, Ethnic, tribe, event, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 婆罗洲比达友文化, 印尼西加里曼丹, 孟加映达雅丰收节,The long bamboo was leaned against one of the branches of the giant plaiee tree without any ropes securing it to the tree. Scary. No harnesses were used. The climbers lives depended on their physical and spiritual strength. Out of the 7 tries only 2 were successful. There was a general disappointment over the poor result. bamboo climbing, Gawai Nyobeng, authentic, village, culture, Indonesia, West Kalimantan, Native, Ethnic, tribal, event, tourist attraction, Borneo, 印尼西加里曼丹, 婆罗洲达雅丰收节, 原住民传统文化 Bamboo climbing, Paddy Harvest Festival, adventure, traditional, budaya, Bengkayang, Desa Sahan, Dayak Bidayuh, Native, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, Borneo, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 西加里曼丹原住民文化, 孟加映达雅丰收节,Paddy Harvest Festival, Panjat Bambu, traditional, culture, Indonesia, Bengkayang, Desa Sahan, Native, tribal, event, tourist attraction, cross border, Borneo, 跨境婆罗洲游踪, 印尼西加里曼丹, 孟加映原住民部落,Panjat bambu, Nyobeng Rambai, gawai Harvest Festival, village, backpackers, Kalimantan Barat, Desa Sahan, Seluas, tribe, event, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 印尼西加里曼丹,After climbing, pig to be sacrificed

ritual, Nyobeng Rambai, Gawai Harvest Festival, authentic, backpackers, Indonesia, Bengkayang, Desa Sahan, Dayak Bidayuh, Native, Tourism, tourist attraction, cross border, 印尼西加里曼丹, 婆罗洲达雅丰收节日, 比达友族传统文化
Pawadi preparing for the pig sacrifice.

Nyobeng Rambai, Gawai Harvest Festival, authentic, village, backpackers, Dayak Bidayuh, Native, tribe, ritual, Tourism, travel guide, trans border, Borneo, 婆罗洲传统文化, 西加里曼丹孟加映, 印尼达雅丰收节日 Nyobeng Rambai, Paddy Harvest Festival, traditional, destination, culture, Indonesia, Kalimantan Barat, ritual, Bengkayang, Dayak Bidayuh, Ethnic, event, indigenous, Tourism, travel guide, Trans BorneoSome offered their analysis of what could have caused the failures of the climbers. One of them was overheard saying the bamboo was made impure by some kids sitting on it earlier as it laid on the ground. Next……..bits & pieces of Rambai

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