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Dayak Rituals

Gawea Sowa, Gawai Harvest Festival, thanksgiving, traditional, culture, ritual, Borneo, Bau, native, tribe, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Border,, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 古晋比达友传统文化, 砂拉越达雅丰收节日,

Gawea Sowa Kampung Serasot 2018

Location : Kampung Serasot, Bau District, Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia. Kampung Serasot is one of the several Dayak Bidayuh villages in the Bau district that celebrates the Gawea Sowa in a very traditional way. The...
Nyabakng Anep, copper ring lady, authentic, traditional, indigenous, backpackers, Indonesia, Siding, Dayak Bidayuh, tribal, village, Tourist attraction, Cross Border, 加里曼丹丰收节, 印尼达雅传统文化. 婆罗洲宋宫铜环女

Gawai Nyobeng Sungkung Anep Kalimantan Barat

Location : Dusun Medeng, Desa Sungkung II, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/DxmhzJQlvWk After the exchanges of greeting between guests and hosts and the offering of rice wine done with, it was time for...
Indigenous, culture, budaya, dayak bidayuh, native, tribe, ritual ceremony, backpackers, village, Borneo, Indonesia, Kalimantan Barat, Rumah Adat Baluk, skull house, traditional, travel guide, tourist attraction,

Nyobeng Sebujit, Indonesia Gawai Dayak Harvest Festival 2016

Location : Dusun Sebujit, Desa Hli Buei, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Our participation in this year’s Sebujit Nyobeng was a last minute decision.  Thank God that Aking the son of Sebujit’s Ketua...
Nyobeng Sebujit, thanksgiving, backpackers, ritual, ceremony, Kalimantan Barat, Indigenous, Dayak Bidayuh, tribal, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Border, 西加里曼丹旅游景点, 印尼原住民传统文化, 婆罗洲比达友部落

Nyobeng Sebujit 2018-Part2 Grand Opening

Location : Dusun Sebujit, Desa Hli Buei, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/qWf1pj3aBNQ Looking back, the biggest issue we faced for this event was accommodation. With more sixty guests from our group itself, Pak...
Padaw Tuju Dulung boat, Suku Dayak Tidung, upacara adat, authentic, traditional, ritual, native, tribal, Pantai Amal, Pariwisata, Tourism, Borneo, 婆罗洲北加里曼丹, 印尼打拉根岛, 原住民达雅传统文化

FAM trip Kaltara: Part 8- Festival Iraw Tengkayu Tarakan

Location : Pantai Amal, Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia. The Tidung, Tidong are a native group originating from northeastern part of Borneo and surrounding small islands. They live on both sides of the border of Malaysia and Indonesia.  The Iraw Tengkayu Festival is a traditional thanksgiving ceremony held...
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