Location : Desa Engkuni Pasek, Kecamatan Barong Tongkok, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.

Engkuni Pasek village has an area of ​​32.77 km2, with a population of 505 inhabitants. The dominant ethnic living in Engkuni Pasek is ethnic Benuaq. West Kutai, Barong Tongkok, Kwangkay, tempelag, coffin, Sendawar, Lamin, adventure, Borneo, Indigenous Dayak Benuaq, East Kalimantan, hard wood, traditional longhouse homestay, Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur, outdoor, village, Statue carving, sculptures, West Kutai, Barong Tongkok, Kwangkay, tempelag, coffin, Sendawar, Lamin, adventure, Borneo, Indigenous Dayak Benuaq, East Kalimantan, hard wood, traditional longhouse homestay, Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur, outdoor, village, Statue carving, sculptures, West Kutai, Barong Tongkok, Kwangkay, tempelag, coffin, Sendawar, Lamin, adventure, Borneo, Indigenous Dayak Benuaq, East Kalimantan, hard wood, traditional longhouse homestay, Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur, outdoor, village, Statue carving, sculptures, West Kutai, Barong Tongkok, Kwangkay, tempelag, coffin, Sendawar, Lamin, adventure, Borneo, Indigenous Dayak Benuaq, East Kalimantan, hard wood, traditional longhouse homestay, Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur, outdoor, village, Statue carving, sculptures,In the vicinity of this lamin were some raised coffins or locally known as tempelag which are collections of their ancestors’ bones who had died many years ago through a traditional ceremony Kwangkay.

West Kutai Barat, Damai, Kwangkay, tempelag, coffin, Sendawar, Lamin, adventure, Borneo, Indigenous Dayak Benuaq, East Kalimantan, hard wood, traditional longhouse homestay, Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur, outdoor, village, Statue carving, sculptures,
Must be the burial ground of the elites of the village
West Kutai, Barong Tongkok, Kwangkay, tempelag, coffin, Sendawar, Lamin, adventure, Borneo, Indigenous Dayak Benuaq, East Kalimantan, hard wood, traditional longhouse homestay, Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur, outdoor, village, Statue carving, sculptures,
Tempelag-cemetery or ‘makam’
West Kutai, Barong Tongkok, Kwangkay, tempelag, coffin, Sendawar, Lamin, adventure, Borneo, Indigenous Dayak Benuaq, East Kalimantan, hard wood, traditional longhouse homestay, Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur, outdoor, village, Statue carving, sculptures,
Someday hard up tomb raiders might even tow these intricately carved coffins away to sell to ignorant tourists
West Kutai, Barong Tongkok, Kwangkay, tempelag, coffin, Sendawar, Lamin, adventure, Borneo, Indigenous Dayak Benuaq, East Kalimantan, hard wood, traditional longhouse homestay, Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur, outdoor, village, Statue carving, sculptures,
A ceremony have been performed here quite recently

Related link : http://engkunipasek.wordpress.com/


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