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Lumpur Bebuak, Mud Pools, Kampung Meritam, adventure, outdoor, backpackers, destination, Malaysia, Tourist attraction, travel guide, Trans Border, Borneo, 婆罗洲游踪, 马来西亚砂拉越林梦, 泥火山旅游景点,

Pesta Nukenen 2019, Bario Sarawak: Part 1- Limbang Meritam Mud Volcano

Location : Kampung Meritam, Limbang Division, Sarawak, Malaysia. https://youtu.be/QBNOWY7MgQg This was one event in my own state Sarawak where we could not go from point A to Point B in a day or at most two...
adventure, authentic, wisata budaya, culture, east kalimantan, Ethnic, indigenous, Makmur Jaya, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, Wahau, Balai Adat Luung Baun, customs hall,

Derawan/Maratua Islands Day5-Wahau

// Location : Desa Makmur Jaya, Kecamatan Kongbeng, Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. It was 2pm when we set out from Kutai National Park and headed for Bengalon where our chaffeur Baha's house as...
KPJ Play Land, recreational, theme park, adventure, nature, outdoor, activities, Borneo, Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur, Samarinda, Kolam Pemancingan, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide,

KPJ Play Land, Samarinda East Kalimantan Tourist Attraction

// Location : Kampung Kajang, Desa Sungai Mariam, Kecamatan Anggana, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Soon as we were back to Samarinda from our Bontang adventure, my host Antok was quick to suggest we...
Longhouse, authentic, village, Kalimantan Barat, Embaloh Hulu, homestay, Suku Dayak Iban, tribe, tourist attraction, travel guide, trans border, Borneo, 婆罗洲传统长屋, 印尼西加里曼丹, 原住民伊班族村庄,

Sungai Utik Suku Dayak Iban Longhouse Kapuas Hulu Indonesia

Location : Dusun Sungai Utik, Desa Batu Lintang, Kecamatan Embaloh Hulu, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Our 10 day Gawai Hunting 2018 trip finally ended with a quickie visit to Sungai Utik longhouse. We...
Borneo, Crafts festival, culture, dayak, Ethnic, Fiesta Makanan, Food festival, Kraftangan, Kuching, outdoors, Waterfront, tourism, tourist attraction, happening, competition, racing,

Great Happenings Downtown Kuching, Sarawak

// Location : Kuching Waterfront, Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia Get that lazy ass to the waterfront today! Too many exciting things happening in the water, on the streets and everywhere. Food, crafts, regatta and much...
Bau, Borneo, culture, dayak, gawai, indigenous, Kampung Padang Pan, Kuching, Malaysia, native, paddy harvest festival, Sarawak, spiritual, traditional, tribal, tribe

Bidayuh Harvest Thanksgiving

// Location : Kampung Padang Pan, Bau, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Although this is usually a small and private affair for some households who still practise a traditional life of rice planting we were nevertheless invited...
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