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All About Borneo East Kalimantan Indonesia Travel, Adventure Nature Wildlife Outdoor Exploration, Indigenous Dayak Tribe, Traditional Culture Ritual Tribal Events, Authentic Native Village Tourism,Transborder Crossborder Tourist Attractions. 深入婆罗洲东加里曼丹印尼旅游

Kampung Tembudan, Danau Tulung Ni Lenggo, adventure, nature, backpackers, destination, Batu Putih, Berau, Indonesia, family vacation, hidden paradise, Obyek wisata, travel guide, Transborneo, 婆罗洲湖, 旅游景点

Batu Putih Waterfall & Tulung Ni Lenggo Lake

// Location : Kecamatan Batu Putih, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. The next village after Biduk-Biduk was Batu Putih. Nur obliged when we requested to visit the waterfall a few kilometers away. We had to...
authentic, Bajau, Borneo, fishing village, hidden paradise, homestay, indigenous, Kampung Teluk Alulu, nature, Obyek wisata, outdoors, Pulau, sandy white beaches, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide

Maratua Part 4: Suku Bajau Village “Kampung Teluk Alulu” Kalimantan Timur

// Location : Kecamatan Maratua, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Unlike some of the other Derawan islands which are uninhabited, Maratua has a population of about 3,000 people and is divided into 4 villages, most...
National Park, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Kutai Kartanegara, Jembatan gantung, backpackers, destination, hutan konservasi, primary jungle, Nature Reserve, outdoors, Obyek wisata, tourist attraction, travel guide, 婆罗州旅游景点

Bukit Bangkirai National Park, East Kalimantan Nature Tourism

// Location : Kecamatan Samboja, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Coming out from Kebun Raya Balikpapan and continuing northwards along the Soekarno Hatta Road, we turned to the left at the 38Km junction in...
rumah adat tator, authentic, Borneo, Ethnic, indigenous, Kaltim, native, Obyek wisata, Samarinda, Sepinggan International Airport, Tongkonan, Torajan Traditional House, South Sulawesi, Dayak, tourist attraction,

Derawan/Maratua Islands (East Kalimantan) Day1-Balikpapan

// Location : Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Long overdue post of our trip last year to Derawan, Maratua and all the other islands around them. There are 3 ways to reach these islands ex the...
Derawan Archipelago, backpackers, Destination, Bajau village, exploration, hidden paradise, snorkelling, White sandy beaches, Sulawesi Sea, Objek wisata, Tourist attraction, Borneo, 探索婆罗洲游踪, 印尼东加里曼丹, 达拉湾岛旅游景点,

FAM Trip Kaltara: Part 3-Getting Ready For Derawan Islands Hoping

Location : Pulau Derawan, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. The Derawan Islands (Indonesian: Kepulauan Derawan) are in the province of East Kalimantan in Indonesia. They consist of 31 islands, most well known among these are the islands of Derawan, Maratua, Sangalaki...
East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Dayak Tunjung, Borneo, outdoors, authentic, ethnic, traditional, indigenous, native, Melak, Kutai Barat, West Kutai, Culture, Tonyooi tribe, Benuaq, Sekolaq Darat, totem pole, tonggak keramat,

Belian Ceremony of the Dayak Benuaq, Kalimantan Timur

// Location : Kampung Sekolaq Joleq, Kecamatan Sekolaq Darat, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Luck was with us just as we were about to leave Melak town we were informed that that very evening...
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