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All About Borneo East Kalimantan Indonesia Travel, Adventure Nature Wildlife Outdoor Exploration, Indigenous Dayak Tribe, Traditional Culture Ritual Tribal Events, Authentic Native Village Tourism,Transborder Crossborder Tourist Attractions. 深入婆罗洲东加里曼丹印尼旅游

Borneo, culture, dayak, east kalimantan, gold smith, harbour, indonesia, kalimantan timur,kutai kartanegara, monumen,outdoor, Panglima Besar Jeneral Sudirman, Pasar Inpres Kebun Sayur, Pelabuhan Semayang, Samarinda, Sepinggan airport, Tahu Sumedang, waterfront, Kota Beriman

Balikpapan Kota Beriman, East Kalimantan

// Location : Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Balikpapan the 'Oil City' of Indonesian is more famous for its oil, gas and coal rather than tourism although tourism is slowly gaining ground.  This city with...
Tonggak Keramat, East Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, Dayak Benuaq, Borneo, outdoors, Tourism, authentic, ethnic, traditional, indigenous, native, West Kutai Barat, Culture, tribe, sculptures, tunjung

Damai District, West Kutai, East Kalimantan

// Location : Kecamatan Damai, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Sceneries in and around the lookout point at Damai. Damai district as stated on the signage is a century old. Most of the residents...
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