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All About Borneo East Kalimantan Indonesia Travel, Adventure Nature Wildlife Outdoor Exploration, Indigenous Dayak Tribe, Traditional Culture Ritual Tribal Events, Authentic Native Village Tourism,Transborder Crossborder Tourist Attractions. 深入婆罗洲东加里曼丹印尼旅游

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Balikpapan Kota Beriman, East Kalimantan

// Location : Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Balikpapan the 'Oil City' of Indonesian is more famous for its oil, gas and coal rather than tourism although tourism is slowly gaining ground.  This city with...
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Maratua Part 5: Suku Bajo “Kampung Bohe Silian & Bohe Bukut” Indonesia

// Location : Kecamatan Maratua, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Kampung Bohe Silian   Behind Bohe Silian village, there is a cave "Gua Sembat" (related link : http://marischkaprudence.blogspot.my/) //   Kampung Bohe Bukut / Teluk...
Pulau Kumala, promenade, waterfront, bridge, backpackers, destination, Borneo, family vacation, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, 东加里曼丹, 婆罗州, 旅游景点

Tenggarong Town & Balikpapan Airport, East Kalimantan Travel

// Location : Kota Tenggarong, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. This beautiful city about 40km away from Samarinda is the capital of Kalimantan Timur despite the fact that it is smaller in terms of...
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Desa Wisata Kampung Merasa, Kelay, Berau, Kalimantan Timur

// Location : Kampung Merasa, Kecamatan Kelay, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. We left Miau Baru with a sense of satisfaction and heading towards Tanjung Redeb we had to pass by the sub-district or 'Kecamatan'...
Borneo, Kalimantan timur, east Kalimantan, national park, map, nature, adventure, outdoor, Indonesia, caving, taman nasional kutai, trekking, orang utan, proboscis monkey

Kutai National Park

// Location : Regency of Kutai (Province of East Kalimantan) Established : 1982 Designated : Minister of Forestry,...
Danau, Berau, Borneo, brackish, Cassiopea ornata, diving spot, hidden paradise, Pulau Kakaban Island, Maratua, marine life, Nature Reserve, Obyek wisata, outdoors, snorkeling, tourist attraction, travel guide, underwater, adventure,

Kakaban Island, Jellyfish Lake, East Kalimantan Indonesia

// Location : Pulau Kakaban, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Kakaban Island is one of 31 islands belonging to the Derawan archipelago, “Kakaban” comes from a word in the local dialect meaning “hug,” because of...
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