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Dayak Rituals

authentic village, baruk, bengkayang, Borneo culture, ritual Ceremony, cultural tourism, Desa Hli Buei, indigenous Bidayuh, Kampung Padang Pan, native, Nibakng, outdoor, paddy harvest festival, Sarawak, spiritual event, traditional, tribal, tribe, Wisata Budaya,

Nyobeng Sebujit Gawai Ritual Festival Part 1: Welcoming Guests & Opening Ceremony

// Location : Dusun Sebujit, Desa Hli Buei, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. It’s been 3 years since our last visit (https://bombasticborneo.com/2012/07/nyobeng-sebujit-2012/) here for the same event and this village has transformed drastically...
Panjat bambu, Gawai dayak, Nyobeng Rambai, adventure, traditional, destination, Indonesia, Bengkayang, Seluas, Native, event, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, 印尼西加里曼丹, 孟加映原住民部落

Gawai Nyobeng Rambai: Bamboo Climbing / Panjat Bambu

Location : Dusun Rambai, Desa Sahan, Kecamatan Seluas, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/MBVrYzq-DYI After witnessing so many Nyobengs through the years in many parts of West Kalimantan, we assumed that we knew everything about Bidayuh...
Padaw Tuju Dulung boat, Suku Dayak Tidung, upacara adat, authentic, traditional, ritual, native, tribal, Pantai Amal, Pariwisata, Tourism, Borneo, 婆罗洲北加里曼丹, 印尼打拉根岛, 原住民达雅传统文化

FAM trip Kaltara: Part 8- Festival Iraw Tengkayu Tarakan

Location : Pantai Amal, Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia. The Tidung, Tidong are a native group originating from northeastern part of Borneo and surrounding small islands. They live on both sides of the border of Malaysia and Indonesia.  The Iraw Tengkayu Festival is a traditional thanksgiving ceremony held...
Kampung Gumbang, Gawai Serumpun, Dayak Bidayuh, harvest festival, indigenous, traditional, Kuching, Malaysia, ritual, tribe, Tourism, cross border, 婆罗洲比达友文化, 砂拉越丰收节日, West Kalimantan,

Gawai Dayak Serumpun Gumbang: Welcoming Sungkung Guests

Location : Kampung Gumbang, Bau District, Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia. Nyebang Gumbang 2018 was made more special as compared to past years’ events due to the coinciding of the opening of its brand new baruk....
Gawai Padi, thanksgiving Festival, authentic, destination, Borneo, West Kalimantan, Kampung Kadek, tribal, event, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, village, 婆罗洲, 原著民丰收节日

Kampung Kadek, Desa Tangguh Transborneo Gawai Harvest Festival

// Location : Dusun Betung, Desa Tangguh, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. The second day of the event was the official opening early in the morning by the Bupati of Bengkayang Pak Gidot....
Nyobeng Sebujit, Gawai Dayak, thanksgiving, authentic, culture, backpackers, Indonesia, West Kalimantan, native, tribal, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, Cross Border, Borneo, 穿越比达友族部落

Nyobeng Sebujit 2018-Part3 Run up to the feeding of the skull

Location : Dusun Sebujit, Desa Hli Buei, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/ZAFgQ0wp4VU After the morning’s grand opening, speeches and giving away of souvenirs, the day’s program resumed at about 5pm for the bamboo...
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