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authentic, traditional, budaya, Tahun Baru Imlek, destination, Hakka, TiongHoa, Kalimantan Barat, Obyek wisata, travel guide, Trans Borneo, 印尼旅游景点, 西加里曼丹华人文化, 山口洋农历新年, Kota Seribu Klenteng,

CNY 2019 @ West Borneo: Kota Singkawang 山口洋

Location : Kota Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/BkNk1EGG748 We have finally come to our last story of our tour by car to this little western part of Borneo. We had a good tour of Pasar Turi...
Stadion Kridasana, stadium, Rumah Hakka, Fujian Tulou, budaya, culture, Chinese New Year festival, Tahun Baru Imlek, Ethnic, TiongHoa, Indonesia, West Kalimantan, Kota Singkawang, Tourism, travel guide, Trans Borneo,

CNY 2019@West Borneo: Tulou At Stadion Kridasana

Location : Stadion Kridasana, Kelurahan Pasiran, Kecamatan Singkawang Barat, Kota Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/NJxLWOwv5c8 We were so lucky that there was no rain when we visited the Stadion Kridasana the venue of the Chinese New Year or...
spiritual healing, shaman, dukun, ritual, authentic, budaya, Dayak Bidayuh, native, tribal, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, Travel, Cross border, Borneo

Dayak Bidayuh Shamans Of Bau Kuching Sarawak Malaysia

Location : Kampung Padang Pan, Bau District, Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia. https://youtu.be/031NLovUqJU We received a call one afternoon from our friend Mac who hailed from Kampung Padang Pan a Bidayuh village in the Bau district of...
Lantern Festival, procession, Chinese New Year, Hakka town, backpackers, Bau, Kuching, Malaysia, Lion Dance, Tarian Naga, tourist attraction, Cross Border, Borneo, 婆罗洲元宵节, 砂拉越石隆门, 客家华人舞狮舞龙

Chap Goh Meh Procession In Bau Sarawak 砂拉越石隆门元宵节

Location : Bau Town, Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia. https://youtu.be/I71LaLmmVd0 Chap Goh Meh (元宵节) in two of the Chinese dialects means ‘the 15th night’ of the lunar new year. This is the dinner where family members gather...
Nyabakng Anep, copper ring lady, authentic, traditional, indigenous, backpackers, Indonesia, Siding, Dayak Bidayuh, tribal, village, Tourist attraction, Cross Border, 加里曼丹丰收节, 印尼达雅传统文化. 婆罗洲宋宫铜环女

Gawai Nyobeng Sungkung Anep Kalimantan Barat

Location : Dusun Medeng, Desa Sungkung II, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/DxmhzJQlvWk After the exchanges of greeting between guests and hosts and the offering of rice wine done with, it was time for...
Gawai Dayak, Sungkung Anep, Dusun Medeng, authentic, traditional, culture, Bengkayang, Indonesia, West Kalimantan, native, tribe, Tourism, travel guide, Cross Border, Borneo

Gawai Nyabakng Serumpun Sungkung Medeng Bengkayang

Location : Dusun Medeng, Desa Sungkung II, Kecamatan Siding, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. https://youtu.be/8yuQtO-5XY8 The day that Sungkung Medeng / Anep villagers and Kampung Gumbang guests had been looking forward to, finally arrived. The date was 26.6.19....
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