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adventure, authentic, belian, Borneo, Ethnic, homestay, Iban, indigenous, iron wood, jungle, Malaysia, native, nature, outdoors, Sarawak, sea dayak, trekking, tribe, village, Waterfall, Wong Giam, Pato river, Nanga Puloh, Nanga Uyau, Mato, Lubok Antu, Sri Aman,

Seva at Bawie Longhouse Day 1

// Location : Bawie Longhouse, Ulu Lemanak, Lubok Antu, Sri Aman, Sarawak, Malaysia. Despite the numerous times that Charlie and his team of medical volunteers' trip to this super remote village, it was our first...
adventure, beach, bengkayang, clove, fishing village, West Kalimantan Barat, malay homestay, nature, nemo, Obyek wisata, outdoor, pantai, Randayan Island, Sungai Raya Kepulauan, Tanjung Panjang, Batu Bedaon, Melanau Timur, Trekking, Nutmeg,

Snorkeling at Tanjung Panjang, Lemukutan Island Singkawang

// Location : Desa Pulau Lemukutan, Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kepulauan, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Trekking along Tanjung Panjang Batu Bedaon Snorkeling with the nemos was most unforgettable ...
adventure, authentic, Bidayuh tribe, Speedboat ride, culture, Desa Pala Pasang, Entikong, fresh water fishing, indigenous, native, nature, outdoor, Sanggau, Sungai Sekayam River, tribe, tribal village, transborder,

Dusun (Village) Pala Pasang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

// Location : Dusun Pala Pasang, Desa Pala Pasang, Kecamatan Entikong, Kabupaten Sanggau, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. If you have ever been up to the Borneo Highland Resort and stood near the border peg and looked...
Waterfront, Birau Festival, Borneo, Bulungan Sultanate, culture, Dayak Pedalaman, Ethnic, event, indigenous, native, Obyek wisata, orang asal, Pekan budaya, pesta adat, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide,

Birau Festival at Pekan Budaya Tanjung Selor, Kalimantan Utara

// Location : Kota Tanjung Selor, Kabupaten Bulungan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia. From the province of Kalimantan Timur we moved on to the newly created province of Kalimantan Utara or North Kalimantan. We arrived at Tanjung Selor...
indigenous, authentic, Bengoh dam, Borneo, Padawan, Kuching, volunteer, charity, medical seva, rural village, Kampung Ayun, native, tribe, dayak bidayuh, Non Government Organization, orang asal, 沙捞越

Medical Seva at New Sait, Kampung Ayun, Bengoh Dam, Sarawak

Location :  Kampung Ayun, Padawan, Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia. To see more photos, please click our FACEBOOK PAGE
backpackers, laut, Island, Perak, destination, family vacation, fishing village, 福临宫, Sungai Pinang, tourist attraction, travel guide, 旅游景点, 邦咯島, 马来西亚, 霹靂州

Pangkor Island Malaysia Part 1 : Fu Lin Kong Temple

// Location : Pulau Pangkor, Perak, Malaysia. I made two trips to the island of Pangkor with almost 10 years in between for the same reason, the hornbills. The biggest difference between the 2 trips...
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