Location : Pulau Kaget, Kecamatan Tabunganen, Barito Kuala, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia.

Kaget Island, the sanctuary of the ‘bekantan’ in Indonesia, monyet Belanda in Sarawak or more properly called proboscis monkey because of its unusual pinkish long nose. Although this monkey can be found all over Borneo the boat ride to see them at Kaget island is unique in itself.

Bekantan, Banjarmasin, adventure, outdoors, nature, Borneo, Pulau, Kota Seribu Sungai, Martapura River, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, Tourism, Monyet Belanda, proboscis monkey, 长鼻猴
Looking out for the monkeys
adventure, outdoors, nature, Boat ride, Borneo, Indonesia, island, Kota Seribu Sungai, Martapura River, Barito Kuala, tourist attraction, Tourism, Monyet Belanda, proboscis monkey, 长鼻猴
Notice the charcoal black soles and palms

adventure, outdoors, nature, Boat ride, Borneo, Indonesia, Pulau, Kota Seribu Sungai, Martapura River, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, Tourism, Monyet Belanda, proboscis monkey, 长鼻猴 adventure, outdoors, nature, Boat ride, Borneo, Pulau Kaget, Kota Seribu Sungai, Martapura River, Barito Kuala, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, Bekantan, proboscis monkey, 长鼻猴

The journey started at 2pm from the hotel we stayed in, Hotel Mira, on foot for about 10min to where the boat was parked just next to the ‘Kawasan Wisata Kuliner’ or Culinary Tourism area. It was a roofless boat and the sun was brutal that afternoon. Luckily, we always had an umbrella handy. Mr Tailah who is a Meratus Dayak from Loksado was our freelance guide who spoke English but had a hearing problem.

adventure, outdoors, nature, rumah lanting, Borneo, island, Kota Banjarmasin, River city, Sungai Martapura, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, Bekantan,
Getting ready for the boarding

The initial boat ride along the meandering Martapura river was like a city tour passing through different sections of Banjarmasin. Commercial boats of different sizes keep this ancient waterway busy. As we throttled along, the busy city scenery slowly changed to a more scattered farming landscape with fewer houses along the banks. Just before we entered into the bigger Barito river we saw vast paddy fields partially submerged by the overflowing river.adventure, outdoors, Ethnic Banjarese, Boat ride, floating house, rumah lanting, Borneo, Kota Seribu Sungai, Obyek wisata. traditional, travel guide, village, Bekantan, authentic, native, authentic, Ethnic Banjarese, native, jelatong, rumah lanting, toko terapung, Borneo, Indonesia, Kalimantan Selatan, Kota Seribu Sungai, Obyek wisata, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, village,

adventure, outdoors, Ethnic Banjarese, Boat ride, floating house, rumah lanting, toko terapung, Borneo, Kaget island, River city, Obyek wisata, Tourist attraction, tradisional, village, tourism
Bridge building in progress
authentic, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, rumah lanting, Borneo, Kota Seribu Sungai, Martapura River, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, village, obyek wisata
One of many mosques in the city
authentic, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, jelatong, rumah lanting, Borneo, Pulau Kaget, Kota Seribu Sungai, Martapura River, Barito Kuala, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, village,
Floating gas station
authentic, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, Boat ride, floating house, rumah lanting, toko terapung, Borneo, South Kalimantan, River city, Obyek wisata, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, village,
Stock of bamboo to build floating house
adventure, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, floating convenience store, rumah lanting, toko terapung, Borneo, Indonesia, Pulau Kaget, River city, Obyek wisata, Tourism, traditional, travel guide,
Passenger boat
authentic, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, Boat ride, jelatong, rumah lanting, Borneo, Pulau Kaget, Indonesia, Sungai Martapura, Tourism, obyek wisata, traditional, adventure, outdoors,
Romantic old couple
outdoor, toko terapung, adventure, authentic, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, rumah lanting, Kalimantan Selatan, Kota Seribu Sungai, Obyek wisata, tourist attraction, Borneo, Jelatong,
Cargo boat
Ethnic Banjarese, Boat ride, jelatong, rumah lanting, toko terapung, Kaget island, Kota Banjarmasin, River city, Sungai Martapura, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, village,
Floating house / Rumah Lanting
adventure, outdoors, authentic, floating house, rumah lanting, Borneo, Pulau Kaget, South Kalimantan, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, village, Bekantan,
One of many bridges to go under
Bekantan, Banjarmasin, adventure, floating house, rumah lanting, Borneo, Pulau, Kota Seribu Sungai, Martapura River, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, village, Indonesia, proboscis monkey, 长鼻猴
Bathing time
adventure, outdoors, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, floating house, rumah lanting, Borneo, Pulau Kaget, Sungai Martapura, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, Tourism, traditional, village,
Lovely paddy fields growing on the nutrient rich soil of the Martapura river

After an hour of the boat ride we caught sight of the delta/island called Pulau Kaget or ‘Shocking Island’, for whatever reason. As we entered the swamp our boatmen turned off the engine and manually maneuvered through the overhanging branches keeping our voices down. It was not easy for our city eyes to adjust to the foliage and Tailah was the first to spot the grey/brown monkeys. Suddenly, there was a loud splash like something huge fell into the water. It turned out to be a proboscis making a dive into the water to grab something, perhaps a fish. Or maybe it was just showing off to the new visitors as we saw nothing in his hand as he climbed back to the tree. Getting a good angle to photograph through the foliage was a huge task and the strong wind that day made our job more difficult as our boat kept drifting and shifting. Nevertheless, Mei Er got quite a number of good shots. From that spot we ventured round the island to see if we could be lucky enough to meet another troop or two but sadly none. We decided we had enough after an hour here. adventure, outdoors, nature, Boat ride, Borneo, South Kalimantan, Sungai Martapura, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, Island, tourist attraction, travel guide, Bekantan, Monyet Belanda, 长鼻猴 adventure, outdoors, nature, Boat ride, Borneo, island, South Kalimantan, Sungai Martapura, Barito Kuala, tourist attraction, tourism, travel guide, Bekantan, proboscis monkey, 长鼻猴

adventure, authentic, nature, Boat ride, Indonesia, Kota Banjarmasin, Martapura river, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, Pulau Kaget, Bekantan, Monyet Belanda, 长鼻猴
Mommy with baby hanging on her chest
adventure, outdoors, nature, Boat ride, Indonesia, Kota Banjarmasin, Martapura river, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, Tourism, tourist attraction, Pulau Kaget, Bekantan, Monyet Belanda, 长鼻猴
Took a dive and quickly out of the water

adventure, outdoors, nature, Boat ride, Borneo, Indonesia, Pulau Kaget, Sungai Martapura, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel guide, Bekantan, proboscis monkey, 长鼻猴 adventure, outdoors, nature, Boat ride, Indonesia, Pulau Kaget, River city, Sungai Martapura, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, proboscis monkey, 长鼻猴

outdoors, nature, Boat ride, Indonesia, Pulau, Kota Banjarmasin, Kota Seribu Sungai, Martapura River, Barito Kuala, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, village, Bekantan, proboscis monkey
American eagles hovering above Pulau Kaget
adventure, outdoors, nature, Boat ride, floating house, rumah lanting, Pulau Kaget, island, Kota Banjarmasin, Obyek wisata, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide,
Barges ferrying coal heads for waiting ocean liners at the Java sea

On the way back the boatman took a different route and we saw two massive log ponds which I guessed must be to feed the plywood factories here.

adventure, outdoors, authentic, floating house, rumah lanting, Borneo, Kaget Island, Kalimantan Selatan, Barito Kuala, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, village, Indonesia, log pond,
Giant log pond at the Barito River

Farther upstream, I suggested to Tailah we stopped at a floating convenience store (toko terapung) just for the experience. Long bundled bamboos provided the buoyancy for such stores or houses locally called ‘rumah lanting while on the Sarawak side it is called ‘jelatong’.

authentic, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, rumah lanting, toko terapung, Kota Banjarmasin, Martapura River, Barito Kuala, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, village,
Floating convenience store / Toko terapung

floating convenience store, authentic, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, jelatong, Borneo, River city, Barito Kuala, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, toko terapung

After we had our refrigerated drinks it was time to move on. By then it was around 5pm and kids were coming out for their swim, splash and scream. All were every ready to pose and smile for your camera. A very happy ending indeed.  Next ‘Floating Market of Banjarmasin’. adventure, authentic, indigenous, Boat ride, floating house, jelatong, toko terapung, Borneo, Indonesia, Kalimantan Selatan, Sungai Martapura, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, village, adventure, authentic, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, rumah lanting, Pulau Kaget, Borneo, Kota Banjarmasin, Martapura River, Obyek wisata, Tourism, Indonesia, village, adventure, outdoors, authentic, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, native, floating house, Borneo, Pulau Kaget, Kota Banjarmasin, Obyek wisata, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, village, adventure, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, floating house, rumah lanting, Borneo, Kaget island, Kalimantan Selatan, River city, Tourism, tourist attraction, tradisional, Bekantan, authentic, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, floating house, Pulau Kaget, South Kalimantan, River city, Obyek wisata, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, village, outdoors, authentic, native, Boat ride, floating house, Borneo, Kaget island, River city, Sungai Martapura, Barito Kuala, Obyek wisata, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, adventure adventure, authentic, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, floating village, Borneo, Kaget island, river city, Sungai Martapura, Obyek wisata, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide,adventure, authentic, indigenous, Ethnic Banjarese, native, Boat ride, rumah lanting, Kaget island, Kalimantan Selatan, Kota Seribu Sungai, Martapura River, Obyek wisata, Tourism, tourist attraction, village, adventure, outdoors, Ethnic Banjarese, Boat ride, floating house, rumah lanting, toko terapung, Indonesia, Pulau Kaget, River city, Obyek wisata, Tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, village

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