Location : Desa Setulang, Kecamatan Malinau Selatan Hilir, Kabupaten Malinau, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia.

This is a Kenyah village about 40 minutes drive away from Malinau town. The road condition here was good. So was the scenery, with interesting looking churches, houses and arches. Unknown to us there was a special show arranged for the media from Jakarta. As we arrived at the most beautiful and colourful village hall, the crews of 2 TV stations were already standing by.

authentic village, Borneo, motif, culture, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, longhouse, Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, rumah panjang,
Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem

authentic village, Indonesia, motif, culture, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, Desa Setulang,

authentic village, motif, Indonesia, Borneo, longhouse, Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata, orang asli, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, ethnic, culture, tourist attraction,
Entrance to the cultural hall

authentic, Borneo culture, motif, homestay, indigenous, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, tribal, tribe, village,

authentic village, Borneo, Indonesia, motif, culture, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asli, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, Kenyah, authentic, Indonesia, Desa Setulang, indigenous, Kalimantan Utara, longhouse, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata, rumah panjang, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, budaya, authentic, Indonesia, culture, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, event, indigenous, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Irau festival, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, authentic, Borneo, cultural dance, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, event, indigenous, Lamin Adat, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, Irau festival, authentic, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, event, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, Selatan Hilir, native, orang asal, Suku Dayak Kenyah, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, Indonesia, Borneo culture, Ethnic, Pesta Irau, indigenous, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, Kota Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, longhouse, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, tribal, tribe, travel,

authentic, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, North Kalimantan Utara, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Suku dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, tribal, tribe, village, travel,
Lovely earlobes with brass earrings
sampe, authentic, cultural dance, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, North Kalimantan Utara, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asli, rumah panjang, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
Awesome sape

authentic, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, culture, indigenous, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, Selatan Hilir, native, orang asli, Suku Dayak Kenyah, tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, Irau festival,

authentic, Borneo culture, Ethnic, event, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, Selatan Hilir, orang asal, rumah panjang, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, authentic, Borneo, culture, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, event, indigenous, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asli, pesta irau, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribe,

authentic, culture, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, native, Obyek wisata, orang asal, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,

Dancers and musicians of all ages were all dressed up ready to impress. Impress they did. Still photos will not do them justice. Their dance, singing and traditional music can only be fully appreciated with video clips. Had our visit been without this 90min show it would have been pretty ordinary. Of course we would still have been mesmerized by the art and colours of the most creative tribe of Borneo, the Kenyahs. Their musical talents were unmatchable. Our luck – right time right place.

Traditional Kenyah Dance Part 1

Traditional Kenyah Dance Part 2

Kenyah, authentic, Borneo, Desa Setulang, indigenous, Kalimantan Utara, longhouse, Malinau Selatan Hilir, cultural dance, Obyek wisata budaya, Irau festival, Tourism, event, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,

authentic, Borneo, cultural dance, motif, Ethnic, indigenous, Lamin Adat, longhouse, Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, Irau festival, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, traditional, tribal, tribe, village,
Sweet little young dancer

Borneo culture, Desa Setulang, village, event, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, Kota Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, Irau,

authentic, Borneo, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, event, Indonesia, indigenous, longhouse, Selatan Hilir, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, Pesta Irau, travel guide, tribe, village, Borneo tribe, Desa Setulang, Irau festival, event, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, Kota Malinau Selatan Hilir, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, village, authentic, Desa Setulang, pesta Irau, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asli, rumah panjang, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, Irau authentic, cultural dance, event, indigenous, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asli, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, tribal, tribe, travel authentic, Indonesia, cultural dance, dayak motif, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, event, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, Malinau Selatan Hilir, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asli, Pesta Irau, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, authentic, Indonesia, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, event, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, village, Indonesia, culture, Desa Setulang, village, event, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, Kota Malinau Selatan Hilir, Obyek wisata, budaya, orang asal, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, Irau festival, travel guide, authentic, Desa Setulang, indigenous, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asli, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, longhouse,

authentic village, motif, cultural dance, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, longhouse, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, ethnic, irau festival
Imported Jakarta dancer!
authentic, Borneo, cultural dance, Desa Setulang, event, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat, longhouse, Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata, orang asal, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,
Tree bark dancers

authentic village, Borneo, cultural dance, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, event, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, Irau, authentic, Borneo culture, Ethnic, Irau Festival, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, longhouse, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, orang asal, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, sampe, authentic, cultural dance, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat, longhouse, Kota Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, Tourism, travel guide, tribal, tribe,

Borneo, cultural dance, Desa Setulang, event, indigenous, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata, orang asal, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,
The grand finale dance and singing

The only sad part of this visit was the loss of my handphone. It must have dropped from my pocket as I was getting out of the car. Oh well. Just before we left Setulang we did a little tour in and around the village.

Borneo, Ethnic, event, homestay, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, longhouse, Malinau Selatan Hilir, Obyek wisata, Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, Lamin adat,
Nice football field
authentic, Borneo, Indonesia, Ethnic, homestay, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, longhouse, native, Obyek wisata, orang asli, rumah panjang, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribe,
Rice silos I presume
authentic village, Borneo, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, homestay, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asli, rumah panjang, tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
crafts, culture, Ethnic, homestay, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Lamin Adat Adjang Lidem, Kota Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asli, rumah panjang, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, tribal, tribe,
Day to day activity at the longhouse.. Rattan weaving
authentic, Indonesia, culture, Desa Setulang, Ethnic, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, Malinau Selatan Hilir, orang asal, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, travel, tribal, tribe, village, budaya, kraftangan, asli,
Tradition is still very much alive here

We came across another beautiful mini longhouse nearby. Nobody seemed to stay here. Upon closer inspection, it seemed like a failed ‘homestay’ for tourists. Abandoned with some rooms in a mess. Indonesia, Borneo, authentic village, culture, motif, homestay, indigenous, longhouse, native, Obyek wisata budaya, rumah panjang, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, authentic, culture, Desa Setulang, pesta Irau, indigenous, North Kalimantan Utara, dayak motif, native, Obyek wisata budaya, orang asal, rumah panjang, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tribal, tribe, village, longhouse, homestay,

authentic, culture, motif, homestay, indigenous, longhouse, Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata budaya, rumah panjang, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,
Nobody home so we invited ourselves in
authentic, Borneo, culture, Desa Setulang, indigenous, North Kalimantan, longhouse, Malinau Selatan Hilir, native, Obyek wisata, orang asli, rumah panjang, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,
Not a soul around, what a pity

The tricky business of tourism does not always work the way people want it to be. No reason, with all the ‘culture/adventure/nature’ attractions of Malinau, why tourism should not be thriving. Personally, I would rather stay with a family in a real home to experience the authenticity of village life rather than to be pushed into ‘special accommodation’ situated away from the locals where there is no interaction. Perhaps, there are other underlying reasons why that beautiful hostel looked abandoned. Or maybe it was built only for the occasional traditional ceremonies.

Well, time to say goodbye to Setulang and also our ‘supir’ or driver Baha who had been on the road with us for the last 9 days. His duty ‘officially’ ended that night after Setulang. We arrived at the hotel to settle the payment for his service. We would not have been able to see so much of Kalimantan had his brother Guntur, our friend, not convinced him to take us on. It was a learning experience for Baha too as he had never been to Malinau as well as many of the smaller villages during the whole trip. We thanked him and wished him a safe drive home to his waiting wife and children. It would be a very long and quiet drive. As for us it was another night in Malinau and looking forward to the next day’s event, the presentation of the Lundayeh tribe.

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