Location : Kecamatan Maratua, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.

The second day’s morning was mostly spent visiting small Bajau villages dotting the boomerang shape island of Maratua. After checking out of the homestay and picking up our packed lunches, we boarded the speedboat for a very tight schedule. Here’s the list :-

1) Dead coral reef
2) Teluk Alulu Village
3) Bohe Silian Village
4) Bohe Bukut Village
5) Kakaban Island (Stingless jellyfish)
6) Sangkalaki Island (Manta ray)
7) Sandbar near Derawan
8) Derawan Island (check in)

Dead Coral Reef Island

Nature, East Kalimantan Timur, Berau, Borneo, dead coral reefs, Derawan Archipelago, diving site, holiday, Maratua island, marine life, outdoors, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, vacation batu karang, Borneo, nature, Derawan Archipelago, dive center, east kalimantan timur, holiday, marine life, Obyek wisata, outdoors, Pulau, terumbu karang, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, vacation Borneo, dead coral reefs, Derawan Archipelago, dive center, holiday, indonesia, island, marine life, nature, Obyek wisata, outdoors, Tanah Surga, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, vacation Berau, Borneo, dead coral reefs, Derawan Archipelago, dive center, holiday, Maratua island, marine life, Obyek wisata, outdoors, Tanah Surga, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, vacation batu karang, Berau, Derawan Archipelago, dive center, east kalimantan timur, holiday, Maratua, marine life, Obyek wisata, outdoors, Pulau, terumbu karang, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, vacation batu karang, Berau, nature, Derawan Archipelago, diving spot, Indonesia, holiday, marine life, Obyek wisata, outdoors, Pulau, terumbu karang, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, vacation Berau, dead coral reefs, Derawan Archipelago, diving spot, holiday, East Kalimantan Timur, island, marine life, nature, Obyek wisata, outdoors, Tanah Surga, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, vacation

Next : Teluk Alulu Village

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