Location : Pulau Beras Basah, Kota Bontang, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.

Watching how line fishing was executed at the jetty on the morning of the second day at Beras Basah was indeed fascinating. There was this little boy of about 9 using line and a bunch of naked hooks tied together and landing many baby fish. Sometimes catching 2 in just one jerk. I tried the technique but with no luck. The little boy was such an expert with the way he held the line on one hand and a snappy pull with the other. Apparently, the naked hooks had to be parked just below the unwary fish and shot up through the school of little fish, hooking whoever was in the way. I would say 10% luck and 90% technique. Deep fried to a crispy stage, these little fish can be very tasty, so I heard.

travel, Island, outdoors, backpackers, destination, Holiday, vacation, Kalimantan Timur, Kota Bontang, Borneo, wisata laut, Tourism, tourist attraction, adventure, 婆罗州岛
Double catch lucky boy

Pulau Beras Basah, adventure, nature, outdoors, Fishing, snorkeling, vacation, Borneo, Indonesia, kota Bontang, hidden paradise, wisata alam, tourism, tourist attraction, white sandy beaches,

Pulau, nature, outdoors, Fishing, backpackers, holiday, vacation, Borneo, Kota Bontang, Obyek wisata laut, travel guide, Tourism, tourist attraction, 婆罗州岛, 旅游景点
Egret waiting for easy food from the little boy
Island, nature, fishing, destination, Holiday, vacation, Borneo, East Kalimantan, Obyek wisata, travel guide, Tourism, tourist attraction, white sandy beaches, pasir putih, alam,
Man & egret friendship
Pulau Beras Basah, Island, adventure, nature, outdoors, Fishing, snorkeling, Borneo, hidden paradise, Obyek wisata, travel guide, Tourism, tourist attraction, white sandy beaches, 东加里曼丹,
3 buddies at 7am

Island, adventure, backpackers, Holiday, vacation, Borneo, Kalimantan Timur, Kota Bontang, hidden paradise, Obyek wisata laut, tourist attraction, travel guide, white sandy beaches, 婆罗州岛, 旅游景点

Pulau, adventure, backpackers, destination, Indonesia, Borneo, East Kalimantan, hidden paradise, Obyek wisata laut, tourist attraction, travel guide, tourism, 婆罗州岛, 旅游景点, 东加里曼丹
So happy with his first catch

Pulau Beras Basah, Island, nature, outdoors, backpackers, destination, Holiday, vacation, Kota Bontang, Obyek wisata, Tourism, tourist attraction, adventure, 婆罗州岛

Island, nature, outdoors, Fishing, snorkeling, destination, vacation, Borneo, Indonesia, Obyek wisata laut, tourist attraction, travel, white sandy beaches, 东加里曼丹, 旅游景点
Beras Basah is obviously a spawning ground
Pulau Beras Basah, fishing, backpackers, vacation, Indonesia, Kota Bontang, hidden paradise, Obyek wisata, tour guide, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel, pasir putih, 婆罗州岛, 旅游景点
Swandi with his gang

While this was going on, Swandi our boatman arrived with a bundle of freshly caught fish from a totally different technique, the speargun. I learned later he was an expert in designing and producing spearguns. Of course he sells them too. So if you guys are interested in buying spearguns you may contact him via Facebook. He came with those fish intending to make us breakfast but too bad we had to disappoint him as we were vegetarians.

After a quick breakfast it was time to say goodbye to Beras Basah and on our itinerary, we were supposed to visit a kind of barren island. However, since it was high tide we would not be able to see that island. I was not too keen about the idea anyway as we had seen a couple of those when we were in Maratua and Derawan Islands. Our guide was kind of indicating we would have to go back to the mainland. Swandi suddenly jumped in and suggested that we visited Tihi Tihi island, a Bugis village, instead. Oh boy, that was the most brilliant suggestion of the trip and was so glad he called the shots when it mattered. He should know better as he was born and bred here. Catch us at Tihi Tihi next album.

nature, backpackers, destination, vacation, Borneo, Indonesia, Kota Bontang, hidden paradise, wisata alam, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel, white sandy beaches, 婆罗州岛, 旅游景点
Island, nature, backpackers, destination, Holiday, vacation, Borneo, Indonesia, East Kalimantan, hidden paradise, travel guide, Tourism, tourist attraction, white sandy beaches, pasir putih,
Sand art by the sea

Pulau Beras Basah, Island, nature, outdoors, snorkeling, vacation, Borneo, hidden paradise, Obyek wisata, travel guide, Tourism, white sandy beaches, pasir putih, 东加里曼丹, 旅游景点 Pulau Beras Basah, Island, nature, Fishing, backpackers, Holiday, Borneo, Indonesia, hidden paradise, travel guide, Tourism, tourist attraction, white sandy beaches, 东加里曼丹, 旅游景点

Pulau Beras Basah, Island, outdoors, backpackers, Holiday, vacation, Borneo, Kota Bontang, Obyek wisata, tour guide, tourist attraction, travel, pasir putih, 东加里曼丹, 旅游景点
Muslim prayer house

Island, nature, outdoors, Fishing, destination, vacation, Borneo, Obyek wisata laut, travel guide, Tourism, tourist attraction, white sandy beaches, pasir putih, 婆罗州岛, 旅游景点

Pulau, nature, destination, Holiday, Indonesia, Kota Bontang, hidden paradise, wisata alam, travel guide, Tourism, tourist attraction, white sandy beaches, Pasir putih, 东加里曼丹, 旅游景点
Tents are ever ready to be rented out to holiday makers
Island, outdoors, snorkeling, backpackers, destination, vacation, East Kalimantan, Kota Bontang, Obyek wisata, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, white sandy beaches, pasir putih, 东加里曼丹,

Pulau Beras Basah, Island, outdoors, nature, Holiday, vacation, Borneo, Kalimantan Timur, Obyek wisata, travel guide, pasir putih, tourism, 东加里曼丹, 旅游景点

Pulau Beras Basah, nature, outdoors, fishing, backpackers, destination, holiday, Indonesia, pasir putih, wisata laut, Tourism, tourist attraction, white sandy beaches, 东加里曼丹, 旅游景点

Pulau, adventure, nature, snorkeling, authentic, vacation, Borneo, Obyek wisata, travel guide, Tourism, tourist attraction, pasir putih, backpackers, destination, 婆罗州岛
Wave breakers surround the sounthern side of the island against strong current

Pulau Beras Basah, Island, nature, outdoors, snorkeling, backpackers, vacation, Borneo, Indonesia, East Kalimantan, Kota Bontang, Obyek wisata, Tourism, travel, pasir putih, Pulau Beras Basah, Island, nature, outdoors, destination, East Kalimantan, Kota Bontang, hidden paradise, Obyek wisata, Tourism, tourist attraction, pasir putih, 东加里曼丹, 婆罗州岛, 旅游景点 Pulau, nature, snorkeling, backpackers, destination, vacation, Borneo, Indonesia, Kota Bontang, Obyek wisata, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel, pasir putih, 婆罗州岛,Pulau Beras Basah, Island, nature, backpackers, outdoor, Holiday, nature, Kalimantan Timur, hidden paradise, travel guide, Tourism, tourist attraction, white sandy beaches, 婆罗州岛, 旅游景点 Pulau Beras Basah, adventure, nature, outdoors, snorkeling, destination, vacation, Kota Bontang, hidden paradise, wisata laut, Tourism, tourist attraction, white sandy beaches, 婆罗州岛,, 旅游景点 Pulau, nature, outdoors, snorkeling, authentic, Holiday, Borneo, East Kalimantan, hidden paradise, wisata laut, Tourism, travel guide, white sandy beaches, 婆罗州岛, 旅游景点 Pulau Beras Basah, Island, nature, snorkeling, Borneo, Kota Bontang, hidden paradise, wisata laut, tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, white sandy beaches, 东加里曼丹, 婆罗州岛, 旅游景点

Island, adventure, nature, outdoors, backpackers, Indonesia, Obyek wisata, tour guide, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel, white sandy beaches, pasir putih, 婆罗州岛, 旅游景点
Jerry cans to be topped up in the mainland

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