Location : Kampung Merasa, Kecamatan Kelay, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.

We left Miau Baru with a sense of satisfaction and heading towards Tanjung Redeb we had to pass by the sub-district or ‘Kecamatan’ of Kelay where a mixture of Bahau, Kenyah and Kayan tribes are spread over.

adventure, budaya, culture, Ethnic, indigenous, native, nature, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak, tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, wisata alam,
Very clean and nice place
adventure, authentic, culture, east kalimantan timur, indigenous, indonesia, native, sculptures, Suku Dayak, Totem Pole, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,
2 other villages from here are Long Beliu and Long Sului
adventure, budaya, culture, Ethnic, indigenous, native, nature, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak, tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, wisata alam,
Enjoying coffee with locals and a Javanese off duty policeman. This was where we had our toilet break and a ton of info from these nice guys. This round on me

Moving on, next was Wehea Park. Stopped by to ask the guard manning the boom gate what the attraction was in this ‘touristic’ place. He said it was jungle and more jungle. When we first asked how far the drive was, he replied ’30min’ but when we asked a second time the same question it became 1hr. This guy scared me. He had no idea what he was selling and no photos to show. Decided not to take the bait if any at all.

adventure, authentic, Berau, Borneo, indigenous, native, nature, Obyek wisata, sculptures, Suku Dayak, Totem Pole, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribe, wisata alam, tribal,
Entrance to Dayak Wehea Park
Berau, indigenous, kalimantan timur, Kampung Merasa, nature, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, village, wisata alam
Dusty road + smoggy sky = Not the best day to catch a good shot

The first village (among the 14) we were attracted to was a Kenyah village by the name of Merasa. At least the welcoming arch was attractive.

authentic, Berau, Borneo, budaya, culture, east kalimantan timur, indigenous, native, sculptures, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Sungai Kelay, Totem Pole, tourist attraction, traditional, tribal, tribe, village,
Kampung Merasa welcoming arch

adventure, authentic, alam, culture, indigenous, native, sculptures, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Totem Pole, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, tribal, tribe, village, nature,

authentic, Berau, budaya, culture, Ethnic, indigenous, Kampung, native, Obyek wisata, sculptures, Kelay, Totem Pole, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribe, wisata alam,
Cellphone number of the portal maker, Jiu

adventure, authentic, Borneo, wisata budaya, culture, Ethnic, indigenous, Kampung, native, sculptures, Suku Dayak, Kelay, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, tribal, tribe, wisata alam,

adventure, authentic, Berau, indigenous, Kampung Merasa, nature, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Sungai Kelay, Totem Pole, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, wisata alam
Noisy hornbill up in the tree caught our attention as we were inspecting the arch at Merasa. Being able to see a hornbill in the wild gives me much satisfaction

But we soon found out after driving 30 min to the village that it was just another modern community with detached houses.

adventure, Berau, Borneo, budaya, indigenous, indonesia, nature, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, wisata alam,
Jembatan Gantung, nice bridge

adventure, sungai Kelay, Borneo, indigenous, East Kalimantan Timur, native, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, wisata alam, nature, adventure, authentic, Borneo, indigenous, Kampung, native, nature, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, tribal, tribe, wisata alam, Jembatan gantung,

adventure, authentic, Borneo, culture, Ethnic, indigenous, native, nature, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, village, wisata alam
Merasa village
adventure, Berau, Borneo, culture, east kalimantan Timur, indigenous, Kampung, Balai, native, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Kelay, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, wisata alam,
Balai / Community hall
authentic, Berau, budaya, culture, east kalimantan timur, Ethnic, indigenous, indonesia, Kampung Merasa, Lumbung Padi, native, Obyek wisata, sculptures, Sungai Kelay, Tourism, traditional, village,
Lumbung padi / Paddy silo

adventure, authentic, Berau, Borneo, wisata budaya, culture, indigenous, Kampung Merasa, native, Lumbung padi, Paddy silo, Totem Pole, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,

authentic, Borneo, culture, Ethnic, indigenous, Kampung Merasa, native, nature, sculptures, Suku Dayak, Sungai Kelay, Totem Pole, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,
Totem pole
authentic, Berau, Borneo, budaya, culture, indonesia, Kampung, Obyek wisata, sculptures, Sungai Kelay, Totem Pole, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, tribal, tribe, wisata alam,
Interesting volleyball net posts
adventure, Borneo, budaya, Ethnic, Indonesia, Kampung Merasa, native, Obyek wisata, Sungai Kelay, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,
Convenience store
authentic, Borneo, budaya, Ethnic, indigenous, native, nature, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribe, village, wisata alam
Nice house

Berau, Borneo, flora, east kalimantan, indigenous, nature, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Sungai Kelay, Tourism, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,The only house worth spending time was one built in 1976 belonging to a couple by the name of Jalung and Urai with the Kenyah culture still intact.

Berau, adventure, culture, east kalimantan timur, Ethnic, indigenous, Borneo, native, Obyek wisata, sculptures, Suku Dayak, Sungai Kelay, Tourism, Jembatan gantung, traditional, travel guide, tribe,
Built in 1976
authentic, Berau, culture, Ethnic, indonesia, Kampung Merasa, native, adventure, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, obyek wisata alam,
The only house with Dayak deco
adventure, authentic, Berau, Borneo, budaya, culture, indigenous, Kampung Merasa, native, Obyek wisata, sculptures, Suku Dayak, Kelay, Totem Pole, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe,
Chatting with the guide and lady owner Urai

authentic, wisata budaya, culture, east kalimantan timur, indigenous, indonesia, Kampung Merasa, native, Suku Dayak, Totem Pole, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, adventure, Berau, Borneo, budaya, culture, indigenous, Kampung Merasa, native, sculptures, Sungai Kelay, Totem Pole, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, village, authentic, Berau, budaya, culture, Ethnic, indigenous, Kampung Merasa, native, Obyek wisata, sculptures, Sungai Kelay, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,

Berau, budaya, culture, east kalimantan timur, Ethnic, indigenous, indonesia, native, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak, Kelay, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribe,
Big floor planks
adventure, Berau, budaya, culture, indigenous, Kampung Merasa, native, nature, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak, Sungai Kelay, Tourism, tourist attraction, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village,
Belian shingles

The river passing through this village looked impressive but we just didn’t have enough time to enjoy a swim.

adventure, culture, indigenous, Jembatan gantung, Kampung Merasa, native, nature, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Sungai, Tourism, traditional, travel guide, tribe, village, wisata alam Borneo, adventure, authentic, obyek wisata, indigenous, Jembatan gantung, nature, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, native, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, wisata alam, adventure, authentic, budaya, culture, indigenous, Jembatan gantung, Kampung Merasa, nature, Suku Dayak Kenyah, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, travel guide, tribal, tribe, village, wisata alam,In retrospect, I would say the drive from Kelay to Tanjung Redeb was the most captivating in terms of the close proximity of the virgin jungle to the road. Sitting in the car drifting through those giant trees was like a dream. Pray it will stay that way forever. Nowhere else in Borneo had I experienced the same.

authentic, indigenous, indonesia, kalimantan timur, Kampung Merasa, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak, Sungai Kelay, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, guide, wisata alam, Tanjung Redeb, outdoor,
The nicest jungle in Borneo so far that we have experienced is here in this stretch of road with gigantic trees dotting both sides of the road.

authentic, indigenous, East Kalimantan, Kampung Merasa, Obyek wisata, Suku Dayak, Sungai Kelay, Tourism, tourist attraction, traditional, guide, wisata alam, Tanjung Redeb, outdoor, culture, adventure, east kalimantan, indigenous, indonesia, native, nature, Obyek wisata, suku dayak, Tourism, guide, tribal, tribe, wisata alam,


Next Maratua.

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